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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Scripal Affair Anti-Russian Smear Campaign Essay Example
The Scripal Affair: Anti-Russian Smear Campaign Essay On March 4 a previous British-Russian twofold operator Sergei Skripal and his little girl Yulia were harmed in a somewhat hair-raising way. They were discovered drooped oblivious on a seat in Salisbury in the wake of being presented to a military-grade nerve operator, which as indicated by the British specialists has a place with a Novichok group of operators created by the Soviet Union. A few days after the fact during the earnest gathering called by the United Nations Security Council, British PM Theresa May reprimanded the Russian government for Skripal’s harming alluding to the nerve operator source and to Russia’s record of leading supported deaths. England gave Russia a final proposal with a 24-hour cutoff time to uncover whether it was an immediate activity by the Russian State or the way that the Russian government had lost control and permitted this assault to occur. Russian authorities denied any inclusion in the Salisbury episode, focused on that Moscow is available to any participation with the UK and requested access to the examples of the nerve-operator that was utilized to harm Skripal. We will compose a custom paper test on The Scripal Affair: Anti-Russian Smear Campaign explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on The Scripal Affair: Anti-Russian Smear Campaign explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on The Scripal Affair: Anti-Russian Smear Campaign explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer After the UK’s demand for a record of harming was declined by Moscow, the British specialists forced authorizations on Russia expressing that there was no valid reaction. Corrective estimates incorporated the biggest ejection of Russian negotiators since the hour of a Cold War, constraining conciliatory flies and freezing Russian state resources in the UK. Moscow sent London four discretionary notes welcoming to talk about the Skripal issue yet the UK rejected neither to coordinate nor to give any adequate data working on this issue, including tests of the nerve operator. The British government unfoundedly blamed Russia for harming Skripal and didn't give any adequate purpose behind the assault. On the off chance that we have a more critical look, there is by all accounts no sensible thought process in Russia to bring Skripal down since the previous covert agent had been imprisoned in Russia for a long time and afterward lived straightforwardly in Salisbury for eight. On the off chance that a Russian ser
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Management: Paying for patching Essay
Fix programming has been intended to help with refreshing PC projects and fixing a wide scope of PC related issues. Simultaneously, fixing has likewise been intended to refresh a computer’s supporting information. This is typically done trying to improve the presentation of a PC. Fix the executives includes the procedure of deliberately arranging and settling on which framework, the specific patches to use on these frameworks and at what time (Andress, 2006). After some time, numerous product organizations like Microsoft have turned to empowering their clients to have the option to utilize fix safely as a free programming. In XP SP2, Microsoft made updates that empowered its clients decide to permit Microsoft make programmed foundation reports on their PCs. Such innovation organizations have additionally thought of procedures that constantly advance in endeavor to guaranteeing that their clients don't need to pay for essential fix the executives which give security to the whole server ranch. Subsequently, getting an administration to dispense cash to pay for fixing has become a troublesome assignment given the way that such programming organizations offer fixing for nothing to every one of their clients (Semilof, 2004) Moreover, fixing has been designed in a generally basic and steady way which can be utilized in organizations which have basic and consistent setups. Therefore, getting the administration to assign assets so as to pay for fixing turns out to be hard since the updates designs are basic and productive in taking care of PC influenced frameworks. For example, when the earth is progressively intricate, Windows update have made arrangements and enhancements for previously existing programming in order to permit the client have the option to utilize their free updates to fit the distinctive IT conditions (Semilof, 2004).
Friday, August 21, 2020
K-12 and Higher Education Learning Environments
Learning Management Systems Applications Today. Developing advancements, including disseminated learning the board frameworks, entrances that associate an assortment of assets (affirmations, library get to, prompting, and specialized help) under one easy to understand portal, and electronic databases that store and consolidation data assets, are equipped for giving the foundation to the upgrade and coordination vital (Granger and Bowman, 2003). While just marginally in excess of 14 percent of the innovation directors who reacted to the yearly Campus Computing Survey report utilizing course the executives programming, the greater part (58 percent) have just settled guidelines for these kinds of uses (Anderson and Moore, 2003). A large number of the instructive activities as of late have concentrated on improving the conveyance of administrations by joining learning stages that attention on the K-12 and advanced education learning situations, for example, WebCT or Blackboard. To decide how these learning stages are being utilized today and for what students, this paper will give a diagram of the highlights of learning the executives frameworks (LMS) that have accepted expanding significance for a wide scope of corporate and government-supported learning situations. An examination and assessment of these stages and their materialness to the distinctive learning conditions is trailed by an outline of the exploration in the end. Foundation and Overview. In their book, Handbook of Distance Education Technology, Anderson and Moore (2003) recommend that it just bodes well to utilize the mechanical developments that have risen as of late to improve the conveyance of instructive administrations at all levels, including grades K-12 and past. â€Å"Technology, as an empowering influence of disseminated resources,†they state, â€Å"furthers the act of a frameworks approach requiring combination over the association to boost new capabilities†(p. 175). For example, Granger and Bowman (2003) call attention to that learning the executives frameworks (LMS) effectively incorporate the particular capacities and administrations that understudies require so as to make scholastic progress today; these capacities and administrations include: 1. Access to courses, learning materials, and educators; 2. Prompting and instructional exercise help; 4. Cooperations with different students. A wide scope of endeavors have perceived the preferences innate in Internet-based learning the executives frameworks, remembering the military and different enterprises for general and instructive organizations specifically; for instance, the Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning's whole late spotlight has been on incorporating a LMS way to deal with their separation learning activities (Westfall, 2003). For instance, as indicated by the DOD Implementation Plan for ADL, â€Å"ADL is an advancement of appropriated learning (separation discovering) that stresses joint effort on guidelines based variants of reusable items, systems, and learning the executives frameworks, yet may incorporate some heritage techniques and media†(Westfall, 2003, p. 635). Until this point, some instructive establishments have chosen to create and convey in-house variants of learning the executives frameworks while others have discovered that off-the-rack forms fulfill their prerequisites; CourseInfo by Blackboard and SemesterBook, created by Louisiana State University's division of processing administrations, the two of which give a navigational structure to substance and correspondence with educators (Lynch, 2002). Other well known adaptations are WebCT (this is a conveyance stage for both Internet-based and customarily organized courses), Intralearn and WBT Systems' TopClass (Myers and White, 2001). CourseInfo by Blackboard, however, was demonstrated to be the unrivaled item when contrasted and other driving projects in an examination with the previous two over all measures inspected, including convenience by instructors and study and absolute number of errands achieved (Jonassen, 2004). A past report by Halloran (2000) directed for the U. S. Aviation based armed forces Academy likewise discovered Blackboard's CourseInfo the unrivaled application for grown-up students. Moreover, Myers and White led an investigation of the viability of WebCT and found that despite the fact that instructors were generally responsive to the program, there were some genuine limitations associated with terms of the time required for sufficient arranging, which was distinguished as the issue of most noteworthy worry for those conveying guidance utilizing this item. Workforce found that joining such innovation required broad time to become familiar with the program, change over and transfer course information, and give understudy preparing to utilize the Website. Time was likewise important to screen and update existing information†(Myers and White, 2001, p. 95). The creators likewise call attention to that these instructors found that extra time was al,so required toward the start of each course to update the understudies back concerning the way toward entering and exploring the site (Myers and White, 2001). As indicated by Anderson and Moore (2003), a considerable lot of the most well known LMS applications share huge numbers of the equivalent valuable highlights that make them especially helpful for course the executives; business course application programming, for example, Blackboard CourseInfo, Learning Tree, Virtual-U, and WebCT were found to help bolster sorted out course content by giving different viewpoints on issues; chronicling information naturally; fusing the instructional procedures of displaying and framework, and support investment, dynamic commitment, and friend input when employees fuse these highlights into instructional plan and conveyance. These creators alert, however, that, â€Å"Unwary amateurs, in any case, may follow the to some degree straight structure of the course content highlights of these courseware tools†(p. 450). The exploration demonstrated that ongoing developments in learning the executives frameworks holds the guarantee of coordinating structures that were recently detached just as giving the capacity to tweak learning conditions on an extension at no other time conceivable. These developments will serve to furnish all understudies with improved chances to make scholastic and expert progress; they can likewise be sensibly expected to build learning profitability (Lynch, 2002). The examination likewise indicated that inventive learning the executives techniques can help accomplish the objective of helping youthful and grown-up students whether or not they are separation students or taking an interest in a grounds based educational program; in any case, even the best learning administration systems, incorporating those with the most ideal substance that is exactly coordinated to the correct business or instructive goals, will probably come up short on the off chance that it is ineffectively actualized and regulated. As indicated by Carlivati (2002), this is especially valid for learning the executives frameworks that are focused at progressively complex and instructed grown-up students. Corporate e-learning,†he says, â€Å"introduces a totally different arrangement of progress the board factors that were never of worry, the same number of early adopters have found. These new factors go from the self-evident (e. g. , acquainting innovation with the learning procedure) to the unpretentious (e. g. , rousing understudies to start and proceed with an autonomous learning experience)†(p. 50). Youthful and grown-up students the same were demonstrated to be agreeable to these developing learning structures, and all things considered, extra and improved applications will be distinguished as these activities become increasingly typical later on. K-12 and Higher Education Learning Environments Learning Management Systems Applications Today. Developing advancements, including circulated learning the board frameworks, entries that interface an assortment of assets (confirmations, library get to, prompting, and specialized help) under one easy to use door, and electronic databases that store and consolidation data assets, are fit for giving the foundation to the upgrade and mix important (Granger and Bowman, 2003). While just marginally in excess of 14 percent of the innovation heads who reacted to the yearly Campus Computing Survey report utilizing course the board programming, the greater part (58 percent) have just settled gauges for these sorts of utilizations (Anderson and Moore, 2003). A significant number of the instructive activities as of late have concentrated on improving the conveyance of administrations by consolidating learning stages that attention on the K-12 and advanced education learning conditions, for example, WebCT or Blackboard. To decide how these learning stages are being utilized today and for what students, this paper will give a review of the highlights of learning the executives frameworks (LMS) that have expected expanding significance for a wide scope of corporate and government-supported learning conditions. An examination and assessment of these stages and their appropriateness to the diverse learning situations is trailed by an outline of the exploration in the end. Foundation and Overview. In their book, Handbook of Distance Education Technology, Anderson and Moore (2003) recommend that it just bodes well to utilize the mechanical advancements that have developed as of late to improve the conveyance of instructive administrations at all levels, including grades K-12 and past. â€Å"Technology, as an empowering influence of dispersed resources,†they state, â€Å"furthers the act of a frameworks approach requiring reconciliation over the association to boost new capabilities†(p. 175). For example, Granger and Bowman (2003) call attention to that learning the executives frameworks (LMS) effectively coordinate the particular capacities and administrations that understudies require so as to make scholarly progress today; these capacities and administrations include: 1. Access to courses, learning materials, and teachers; 2. Exhorting and instructional exercise help; 4. Communications with different students. A wide rang
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Why is Style so Important For Subcultural Identities - Free Essay Example
What do we mean by the term subculture? Paul Hodkinson gives us a really broad definition in his book: ‘Goth : Identity, Style and Subculture’ as he says: â€Å"Acquisition of status within the subculture entailed being labelled and, hence, excluded from the rest of society, something the group would respond to through its own hostility to outsiders, to the extent that non-conformity with dominant norms often became virtuous. As the subculture became more substantive, distinctive and independent, members would become increasingly dependent on each other for social contact and validation of their beliefs and way of life.†(Hodkinson, Paul. Goth: Identity, Style and Subculture, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Central). For decades there have been a lot of theories and a lot of opinions on what is right and what is wrong. As he states in his book there are several schools that stand out the most in terms of subculture. One of them, in fact, is the Birmingham School. Mostly know from a neo-Marxist perspective, it’s mostly looked at from the position of the working-class young generation, in relation to the social culture of the 1960s and 1970s in Britain. It is built on the resistance of young people having the traditional values and believes of their parents and creating the modern hegemonic culture of consumption that is dominated by the media and trends. Knowingly forming these subcultures that are characterized by parlance and ritual, although the youth maintained their aspects of the working-class culture, that didn’t stop them from embracing the decadent consumption and insistence on taste and style reflecting their position within capitalist society. Although their consumption, unlike the general public’s, by the youths subcultural context it’s deemed for them to be characterized by everyday objects and new subversive meanings. Looking at the approach of The Birmingham School, there is a lot of neglect of counte nances such as diversity, external overlay, individuality between subcultures and identified instability of the groups. As well looking at the schools neo-Marxist view as an instinctive response to the structural contradictions, more importantly, underestimating the positivity of media and business in the development of such groupings. As it’s well known one of the most significant things that the subculture has is their authentic style and most clothing and music. The birth of goth was around the first half of the 1980s, specifically in Britain there were a lot of sounds and images based on the post-punk climate that it became a definite movement. As its known there are a lot of various factors that were involved insignificance of goth but music has always been the base of the subculture. One of the significant bands at the time has been Siouxsie and the Banshees as it took a bit of the theme of punk the genre provided general mood and sounds that would be drawn of for the following decades. The vocalist of the band had a really big part of the initial style of the goth’s in that time p eriod. The outrageous at the time Nazi imagery that was advertised seemed politically provocative, with the ‘dark’ distinguishing image that she was pursuing with her black backcombed hair and really heavy dark eye make-up, the lips as well. That particular look would be imitated by females and male goths for the following two decades. However, the most important point of goth, was probably the band Bauhaus with their single ‘Bela Lugosi’s Dead ’ particularly the performance of the song, and a lot of their set, had most of the distinctive elements that until this day they exist in the still the goth scene, from the funereal musical tone to the lyrical references for death, from the deep vocals to a twisted form of androgyny in the band’s appearances. Associating themselves with not only the band but other particular listeners of the same type of music. The start of a subculture and resistance against the capitalistic society and its rules. Knowing the importance of clothing and asserorizing in the goth world: ‘The selection, purchase and consumption of particular kinds of subcultural goods, most notably recorded music, clothing and accessories, was a key element in participants’ ex perience of the goth scene. To a significant extent, it was through ownership and use of consumer goods that goths claimed their subcultural capital, differentiating themselves subtly from one another and more overtly from groupings and individuals outside the subculture. Collections of commodities provided the material manifestation of the subculture ’ s distinctive range of tastes. The process through which individuals developed their subcultural ‘ look ’ and enhanced their knowledge and appreciation of music revolved around selecting, purchasing, combining and using particular kinds of object, as did the consistency and distinctiveness of the goth style as a whole. Furthermore, as well as being crucial as a means to an end, the act of shopping was often an important subcultural activity in itself (see McRobbie 1989: 24; Shields 1992a: 5).’(Hodkinson, Paul. Goth : Identity, Style and Subculture, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Central).
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Supply Chain Management of Pepsi - 10053 Words
Dissertation Report On â€Å"A Brief study on Effectiveness of Channel of Distribution of Pepsi Products in Patna†At Lumbini Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Hajipur Under Guidance Mr. Manish Sahay [Market Developing Officer PEPSI, Patna (Bihar)] In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the award of POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Submitted To Submitted By Mr. Rahul Saxena Kunal (Class Coordinator) PGDM – III (B) Roll: - 11 Academy Of Management Studies, Dehradun DECLARATION I, Kunal declaring that all the information given in this project report is true and correct as far as I know. I am also declaring that all the work in this project is done by me†¦show more content†¦I am also equally thankful to Mr. Anish Kumar (Sales Co-coordinator, Bihar) who taught me every minute aspect of marketing. A special appreciative â€Å"Thank you†in accorded to all staff of â€Å"Lumbini Beverages Pvt. Ltd.†, Hajipur and MDC, Patna for their positive support. I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically. At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to complete this project report. (Kunal) CONTENTS âž ¢ Preface âž ¢ Acknowledgement Title Chapter 1. Introduction to the Study âž ¢ Objective of the Study âž ¢ Importance and relevance of the Study âž ¢ Scope of the Study âž ¢ Methodology used in the study âž ¢ Limitation of the study Chapter 2. Introduction of the Soft Drinks in India âž ¢ History of Soft Drinks in India âž ¢ History of Pepsi âž ¢ Production Process âž ¢ Product Manufactured and Main Consumer Chapter 3. Organizational Structure âž ¢ History and Organizational Structure of Lumbini Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Hajipur Chapter 4. A Theoretical frame work of Channel of distribution Chapter 5. Channel of distribution ofShow MoreRelatedPepsi: Supply Chain Management5028 Words  | 21 Pagesï » ¿ Table of Contents Introduction Supply Chain Management is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as efficiently as possible. Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. It is a cross functional approach to managing the movement of raw materials into an organization and theRead MorePepsiCo Is Growing in to a World Class Organization Essay536 Words  | 3 PagesPepsiCo is one of the foremost food and beverage companies in the world and sells its products of Pepsi, Frito Lay, Tropicana, Quaker, and Gatorade in more than 200 countries and territories world wide (PepsiCo, 2014). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Agencys Compensation For Employees - 1783 Words
The Capital Budget This paper will analyze the agency’s compensation for employees. A rationale on the cost and benefits would be for a 2 percent, 4 percent, or 5 percent pay increase for the fiscal year 2014. The effects of the increase on benefits for the agency will be discuss and a chart depicting the increase for each percentage will be provided. The trend of the agency over the past five years will be reviewed and an analysis explaining the trend for expenditures will be prepared. This paper will also encompass an explanation of a five year forecast of the four highest expenditures. An analysis whether the costs should be approved or not approved will be included. Two options for predicting the cost of needed repairs to the current building that houses the selected agency will be compared. A rationale for recommending one of the two options will be provided. Payroll Forecast The compensation for employees of Guilford County Social Services is competitive among other related job vacancies of Guilford County. As for job titles of Social Director, Social Program Manager, Social Worker I, II, and III, and Social Worker-Protect Services, the salaries varies. This also depends on experience and education background of the job position. The annual starting minimum salary for the position of a Social Services Director is $104,317 and the maximum salary is $140,828. The Social Work Program Manager salary range is $60,992 to $103,686. A Social Worker Supervisor can earnShow MoreRelatedThe Veterans Benefits Administration ( Vba )816 Words  | 4 Pagesaverage degree of disability, growth in the number of compensation recipients, a rise in the number of medical issues claimed and an increased level of complexity of claimed issues. To illustrate this point, prior to the September 2011 terrorist attacks, 333,700 Veterans received compensation at t he 70-100 percent level; however, these figures rose to over 1.1 million by the end of 2013. Additionally, since 2009, VA’s disability compensation workload rose 132 percent. This is in large part dueRead MoreThe Child Protective Services ( Cps )1463 Words  | 6 Pagesrecommendations. Then, we will evaluate the opportunity of privatization and why the CPS should or should not privatize its services. Also, we will analyses some of the agency policies, procedures and/or plan regarding pensions, assess the agency’s approach to productivity and performance. Lastly, we will make some recommendations on actions the CPS can made to improve its productivity and performance. Child Protective Services and Unions Labor union is a group, or combination of workersRead MoreReward and Compensation Strategies, a Comprehensive View of Developing a Performance Pay Plan1681 Words  | 7 PagesASSESSMENT # 5 Strayer University Bus 525 Reward Compensation March 28, 2010 Assessment #5 This report has been developed to address how companies an motivate their customer service team’s behavior to achieve the organization’s business objectives through a â€Å"pay for performance pay plan†, which is used in the federal government job sector. Throughout the U.S and internationally, customer service has become the primary structureRead MoreDanone Simpson Case Study1359 Words  | 6 Pagesexcitement to do it her way. As an HR director for a company that she had a tremendous opportunity to work for had several opportunities to start it out right. The role would entail incorporate recruitment / selection, employment processing, compensation/ benefits, training / development, employee relations, legal compliance and support for business strategies. to name a few. Susan Dubin knew there were key elements such as these that were vitally important, but as HR director she knew thatRead MorePad 505 Assignment 2 the Capital Budget Essay1724 Words  | 7 Pages280 points Refer the Scenario for Assignments 1–5. Forecast salaries, revenue estimating, and prepare the capital budget. Using the budget from the selected agency, write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: 1. Analyze the agency’s compensation for employees. Provide a rationale on what the costs and benefits would be for a 2 percent, 4 percent, or 5 percent pay increase for the fiscal year 2014. In your forecast, (a) discuss the effects of the increase on benefits for the agency and (b)Read MoreManaging A Staff Of 16 Hr Professionals711 Words  | 3 PagesBy July 2015, I accept a promotion job offer as Director, Staffing Policy Compensation (SPC), Supervisory Human Resources Specialist with U.S. Customs Border Protection, Human Resources Management. This is my current position where I serve as the agency advocate, policy expert and liaison and plan, direct, and oversee the management of human resources in support of program goals and objectives. I implement and evaluate the agency s plans, procedures and initiatives relative to policies affectingRead MoreHealth Care At The Healthcare Industry1684 Words  | 7 Pagesmedicine, the resources necessary to supply and manage qualified staff must not be overlooked. Patient care requires able-bodied employees to carry out highly skilled tasks. Lifetime Care, a home health and hospice agency, is a subsidiary of Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield. The Agency provides professional medical care to homebound patients. With over 1500 employees, the Human Resources Department (HR) actively hires medical professionals and paraprofessionals through advisements, employee referralsRead MorePayroll Outlook : U.s Citizenship And Immigration Services1408 Words  | 6 PagesPayroll Forecast U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) members, as Federal employees are entitled to both annual and sick leave, beginning the first day of their first federal job. Leave can fall under many different categories, the most common being annual leave and sick leave. At the end of each leave year, they are allowed to carry 240 hours of annual leave over to the next leave year. Sick leave is not subject to carry-over limitations and continues to accrue from year to year. 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We have six branches in addition to our Charlotte, NC office: Salt Lake City, UT; Roanoke, VA; New York, NY; Denver, CO; Seattle, WA; San Francisco, CA. †¢ Whats the companys mission? How does each branch relate to that mission? Our Mission: To provide you with the highest quality marketing materials that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Chapter XI Of Prognostification Essay Example For Students
Chapter XI: Of Prognostification Essay S touching Oracles it is very certaine, that long before the comming of our Saviour Iesus Christ, they had begun to lose their credit: for we see that Cicero laboureth to finde the cause of their declination: and these be his words: Cur isto modo jam oracula Delphis non eduntur, non modo nostra ÃÆ'Â ¦tate, sed jamdiu, ut nihil possit esse contemptius? Why in like sort are not oracles now uttered, not onely in our t imes, but a good while since, so as now nothing can be more contemptible? But as for other Prognostikes, that were drawne from the anatomie of beasts in sacrifice, to which Plato doth in some sort ascribe the naturall constitution of the intermall members of them, of the scraping of chickens, of the flight of birds, Aves quasdam rerum augurandarum causa natas esse putamus: We are of opinion, certain birds were even bred to prognosticate some things; of thunders, of turnings and backe-recourse of rivers. Multa cernunt aruspices: multa augures provident: multa oraculis declarantur: multa vaticinationibus: multa somniis: multa portentis: Soothsayers see much: bird-prophets foresee as much: much is foretold by Oracles; much by prophecies; much by portentuous signes, and others, upon which antiquitie grounded most of their enterprises, as well publike as private: our religion hath abolished them. And albeit there remaine yet amongst us some meanes of divination in the starres, in spirits; in shapes of the body in dreames, and elsewhere a notable example of the mad and fond curiositie of our nature, ammusing it selfe to preoccupate future things, as if it had not enough to doe to digest the present. -cur hanc titi, rector Olympi Sollicitis mortalibus addere curam, Noscant venturas ut dira per omnia cla des Bit subitum quodcunque paras, sit cÃÆ'Â ¦ca futuri Mens hominum fati, liceat sperare timenti. Why pleasd it thee, thou ruler of the spheares, To adde this care to mortals care-clogd minde; That they their miserie know, ere it appeares? Let thy drifts sudden come; let men be blinde Twards future fate: oh let him hope that feares. Ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit: Miserum est enim, nihil profidentem angi: It is not so much as profitable for us to know what is to come, for it is a miserable thing, a man should fret and be vexed, and do no good. Yet is it of much lesse authoritie, loe here, wherefore the example of Francis Marquis of Salum hath seemed remarkable unto me: who being Lieutenant General unto Francis our King, and over all his forces, which he then had beyond the Mountaines in Italie, a man highly favoured in al our court, and otherwise infinitly beholding to the King for that very, Mar quisate, which his brother had forfeited: and having no occasion to doe it, yea and his minde and affections contradicting the same, buffered himselfe to be frighted and deluded as it hath since been manifestly prooved by the fond Prognostications which then throughout all Europe were given out to the advantage of the Emperor Charles the fift and to our prejudice in Italy, where these foolish predictions so much possesed the Italians, that in Rome there were laid great wagers, and much money give n out upon the exchange, that we should utterly be overthrowne that after he had much condoled, yea and complained with his secret friends, the unavoidable miseries which he foresaw prepared by the fates against the Crowne of France, and the many friends he had there, he unkindly revolted, and became a turne-cote on the Emperors side, to his intolerable losse and destraction, notwithstanding all the constellations then reigning. But be was drawne unto it as a man encompassed and beset by divers passions; for having both strong castl es, and all maner of munition and strength in his owne hands, the enemies armie under Antonio Leva about three paces from him, and we nothing mistrusting him, it was in his power to do worse than he did. .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 , .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .postImageUrl , .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 , .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3:hover , .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3:visited , .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3:active { border:0!important; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3:active , .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3 .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6bd89371168bfd47e121beadfc0a7cf3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Taiwan And International Trade EssayFor notwithstanding his treason, we lost neither man nor towne, except Fossan, which long after was by us stoutly contested and defended. Prudens futuri temporis exitum Caliginosa nocte premit Deus, Ridetque, si mortalis ultra Fas trepidat. Our wise God hides in pitch-darke night Of future time th event decreed, And laughes at man, if man affright Feare more than he to feare hath need. Ille potens sui LÃÆ'Â ¦tqusue deget, cui licet in diem Dixisse, vixi, cras vel atra Nube polum pater occupato, Vel sole puro. He of himselfe lives merily, Who each day, I have livd, can say, To morrow let God charge the skiee With darke clouds, or faire sun-shine-ray. LÃÆ'Â ¦tus in prÃÆ'Â ¦sens animus, quod ultra est, Oderit curare. For present time a mery mind Hates to respect what is behind. And those which take this word in a contrary sense are in the wrong. Ista sic reciprocantur ut et si divinatio sit dii sint, et si dii sint sit divinatio: quence is so reciprocall as if there be any divination, there are Gods: and if there be Gods, there is divination. Much more wisely Pacuvius. Nam istis linguam avium intelligunt, Plusque ex alieno jecoresapiunt, quam ex suo Magis audiendum, quam auscultandum c ensio. 1 Who understand what language birds expresse, By their owne than beasts-livers knowing lesse, They may be heard, not hearkned to, I guesse. This so famous art of divination of the Tuskanes grew thus. A husband-man digging very deepe intothe ground saw Tages, a demy-God appear out of it, with an infantine face, yet fraught with an age-like wisdom. All men ran to see him, and both his words and knowledgee were for many ages after remembred, and collecte d, containing the principles and meanes of this art. An ofspring sutable to her progresse. I would rather direct affaires by the chance of dice, than by such frivolous dreames. And truly in all common-wealths, men have ever ascribed much authoritie unto lot. Plato in the policie which he imagineth by discretion, ascribed the deciding of many important effects unto it, and amongst other things would have marriages betweene the good to bee contrived by lot. And giveth so large privileges unto thi s casuall election, that he appoints the children proceeding from them to bee brought up in the countrie; and those borne of the bad to be banished and sent abroad. Notwithstanding if any of those so exiled shall by fortune happen, whilest he is growing, to shew some good hope of himselfe, that he may be revoked and sent- for backe, and such amongst the first as shall in their youth give small hope of future good to be banished. I see some that studie, plod, and glosse their Almanackes, and in all accidents alleage their authoritie. A man were as good to say, they must needs speake truth and lies. Quis est enim qui totum diem . jaculans, non aliquando conlincet? For who is he that, shooting all day, sometimes hits not the white? I thinke not the better of them, though what they say proove sometimes true. It were more certaine, if there were either a rule or a truth to lie ever. Seeing no man rec ordeth their fables, because they are ordinarie a nd infinit; and their predictions are made to be of credit, because they are rare, incredible and prodigious; so answered Diagoras surnamed the Atheist being in Samothrace to him, who in shewing him divers vowes and offrings hanging in the Temple, brought thither by such as had escaped shipwracke, said thus unto him: You that thinke the Gods to have no care of humane things, what say you by so many men saved by their grace and helpe? Thus is it done, answered he: Those which were drowned farre exceeding their number, are not here set-forth. Cicero saith, That amongst all other Philosophers that have avowed and acknowledged the Gods, onely Xenophanes the Colophonian hath gone about to root out all maner of divination. It is so much the lesse to be wondred at, if at any time we have seene some of our Princes mindes, to their great damage, relie upon such like vanities. I would to God, I had with mine owne eyes seene those two wonders, mentioned in the booke of Ioachin the Abbat of Calabria, who foretold all the Popes that should ensue, together with their names and shapes: And that of Leo the Emperor, who fore-spake all the Emperors and Patriarkes of Greece. .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 , .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .postImageUrl , .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 , .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1:hover , .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1:visited , .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1:active { border:0!important; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1:active , .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1 .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0150a49c58c0e64da320b066a79083c1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Obstacles to National Unity EssayThis have I seene with mine owne eyes, that in publike confusions, men amazed at their owne fortune, give themselves head-long, as it were to all maner of superstition, to search in heaven the causes and ancient threats of their ill-lucke; and in my time are so strangely s uccessefull therein, as they have perswaded me, that it is an ammusing of sharpe and idle wits; that such as are inured to this subtletie, by folding and unfolding them, may in all other writings be capable to finde out what they seeke-after. But above all, their dark, ambiguous, fantasticall, and propheticall, gibrish, mends the matter much, to which their authors never give a plaine sense, that posterity may apply what mean ing and construction it shall please unto it. The DÃÆ'Â ¦mon of Socrates was peradventure a certaine impulsion or will, which without the advice of his discourse presented it selfe unto him. In a minde so well purified, and by continuall exercise of wisedome and vertue so wel prepared, as his was, it is likely, his inclinations though rash and inconsiderate were ever of great moment, and worthie to be followed. Every man feeleth in himselfe some image of such agitations, of a prompt, vehement and casuall opinion. It is in me to give them some authoritie, that affoord so little to our wisedome. And I have had some, equally weake in reason, and violent in perswasion and disswasion which was more ordinarie to Socrates by which I have so happily and so profitably suffred my selfe to be transported, as they might perhaps be thought to containe some matter of divine inspiration.
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