Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Pioneers Of Modern Nursing - 1374 Words
Nursing dates back to the beginning of time, but it wasn’t until the Roman Empire in 300 C.E. that you start to see an organized field that resembles modern times. Nurses during that period were called hypourgoi and consisted of both male and females. The emperor called for a hospital to be placed in every town under Roman command setting the standard for hospital care going forward. During the middle ages, there weren’t any major improvements in healthcare. Nursing didn’t experience substantial change until the 19th century and has continued to evolve into the respected profession it is today. While the contributions for nursing were numerous, this paper will examine three pioneers of modern nursing. â€Å"Dorothea Lynde Dix was born in Hampden, Maine on April 4th, 1802.†Dix’s pioneering efforts in the mental health field stemmed from having a mentally ill mother and alcoholic father. Most of her childhood was spent living with her grandparents in Boston, Massachusetts. She often cites her early years as being a rather unhappy time period. She was a school teacher for 24 years before she embarked on her nursing journey. At the age of 39, she became a nurse, but was never educated as modern nurse. It was upon visiting Cambridge House of Corrections, in 1941, that a spark from within started a fire. Mrs. Dix, started seeking reform of all mental wards and prisons after seeing the deplorable conditions in which patients were left. In the following years, she established 32 newShow MoreRelatedThe Birth Of Florence Nightingale, A Pioneer Of The Modern Nursing Profession1628 Words  | 7 PagesMay 12, 1820 marked the beginning of a revolutionary and exciting era of nursing characterized by the birth of Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of the modern nursing profession for her work as a nurse, educator, researcher, and an environmentalist in the nursing profession (Alligood, 2014). Nightingale developed a number of nursing theories regarding the environment and effective care for patients and refined her theories to focus on the health of houses, personal hygiene, and petty management (AlligoodRead MoreHigher Education Faculty Teaching Philosophy845 Words  | 4 PagesHigher Education Faculty Teaching Philosophy Introduction Many higher institutions have a statement of philosophies of their own derived from their pioneer or parent institutions or organizations (Higgins Leonora, 2009). The Catholic University of America School of Nursing has its pioneer group that is the Catholic Church. Therefore, every value, virtue, norm, composition and beliefs are all originated from the Catholic Church and are thus modified to fit its environmentRead MoreThe Development Of Nursing As A Profession1082 Words  | 5 PagesThe Development of Nursing as a Profession Throughout history, society has considered women to be the natural caregivers of children, family, and community. 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Regulatory agencies are not membership based and the primary function is toRead MoreMy Philosophy And Philosophy Of Professional Nursing Philosophy811 Words  | 4 PagesMy Professional Nursing Philosophy Jennice Massana Carrington College Sacramento RN 150 Theory Professor Dominguez December 11, 2017 My Professional Nursing Philosophy A theory is defined as â€Å"a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena (Merriam-Webster, 2017). In the nursing field, nursing theories have helped shape philosophies of many nurses in our history, as well as modern day. Every nurse, near and far, could probably tellRead MoreFlorence Nightingale s Influence On Nursing999 Words  | 4 Pageswas born May 12, 1820 in Florence Italy. She was born the second child in an affluent family. Nightingale’s parents had afforded her with a formal education in her childhood. Florence set her sights on nursing as she felt it was a calling from God. Nightingale’s parents forbid her to go to into nursing as they deemed it to be of lower class, instead the family pressured her to marry a wealthy man and join upper class society (Cohen, 1984). In 1951 at the age of 31, Florence finally was able to leaveRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1033 Words  | 5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline 1850s The history of theoretical and scientific approach in nursing evolution rooted in mid-1800s by the founder and pioneer of modern nursing; Florence Nightingale. She was considered â€Å"The Lady with the Lamp†and â€Å"The Mother of Modern Nursing â€Å". Florence Nightingale was born in Florence Italy on May 12, 1820. She grew up with the belief that her religious calling was to take care of other people. She started her work during the CrimeanRead MoreTheory as an Important Paradigm of Modern Nursing1073 Words  | 4 PagesPart 1 - Theory, like clinical knowledge, is essential within the paradigm of nursing. It is a foundation upon which one builds a toolbox of materials, designed not to treat every situation in a similar manner, but to have a means and template from which to help make decisions for the patient. One theoretical maxim important to modern nursing is that of Family Systems Theory, and its offshoot, Family Stress Theory. One theory, the Family Systems Theory was proposed by Karl Ludwig von Bertalalanffy
Friday, December 20, 2019
Federal Government And Tax Policy - 1324 Words
When the American government formed and broke away from the British, there was a struggle between government interventions in the lives of its citizens. The federal government had limited power, and states wanted to maintain their rights. Over time as major wars broke out, infrastructure was needed, and other federal expenditures expanded, there was a need for a more powerful federal government. To raise revenues for expenditures, the federal government needed to tax the people. Now, tax policy is a major motivator of the actions of individuals, and the government has used the tax code to alter economy and societal behavior. Policy makers have used the tax code to alter the distribution of income and alter behavior when working, investing, saving, and consuming resources (Steuerle; Pg. 2). A few of the policies deal with tax preferences, enactments, vouchers, and tax cuts. Tax preferences have had a significant impact on society’s behavior and the economy because individuals want these preferences, and many individuals and entities aim to achieve the lowest tax payment as possible. Tax preferences use exclusions, exemptions, deductions, credits, and tax rates to lower the tax liability for individuals or corporations (Ippolito; Pg. 269) Preferences include the mortgage interest deduction, health insurance exclusion, lower tax rate for capital gains, etc. From the perspective of corporations, despite the high corporate tax rate, there are a variety of tax preferences thatShow MoreRelatedFiscal Policy On Employment, Potential Gdp, And The Economic Growth Rate935 Words  | 4 PagesParkin, chapter sixteen is titled Fiscal Policy. There are three objects for the chapter. The first object is to be able to â€Å"describe the federal budget process and the history of tax revenues, outlays, deficits, and debts†. The second object is to â₠¬Å"explain how fiscal stimulus is used to fight a recession†. The third objective is to â€Å"explain the supply-side effects of fiscal policy on employment, potential GDP, and the economic growth rate†. The federal budget has two main reasons it was createdRead MoreDifference Between Fiscal And Monetary Policy Essay1345 Words  | 6 PagesThere are many policies that are enacted continuously that stimulate the economy in the United States. Some of these policies stimulate the U.S. economy in a negative way and some stimulate it in a positive way. One would agree that the U.S. economy is forever changing due to various factors. Some of these economic policies are also developed due to various factors or events that may have occurred in the United States. This paper will discuss some policies that stimulate the economy, their relationRead MoreFiscal Policy and Monetary Policy781 Words  | 3 PagesFiscal policy is the governments spending policies, which influences the conditions economy as a whole. With this policy, regulators can improve unemployment rates; stabilize business cycles, control inflation, and interest rates to control the economy. The government adjusts the s pending and tax rates to influence the nation’s economy. The idea is to find the balance between public spending and changing tax rates, by increasing or lowering taxes may cause the risk of causing inflation to rise. IfRead MoreKeynesian Economic Was Developed By British Economist John Maynard Keynes1033 Words  | 5 Pagesgreat depression happened. Keynes felt that if government expenditures increased and taxes were lowered, then the global economy could be pulled out of the depression. Macroeconomics is the study of national and regional economies. It examines economic factors like unemployment, gross national product, consumption, Inflation rates, Business cycle fluctuations and foreign trade. Keynes point of view about the Macro Economy was that the government must step in to correct the instability of the economyRead MoreFederalism And The Other Federalism849 Words  | 4 Pageslevels of governments share the same power over the same region. Usually the higher national government governs the issues that concern the entire country, and smaller subdivisions govern issues of their local concern, but both have the power to make and enforce laws. Good examples of federalist countries would be Canada, Germany, France, and the United States. The federal government is granted power to mint money, declare war, establish post offices, and punish piracy. Any action that the federal governmentRead MoreThe Conflict Between Inflation And Unemployment1343 Words  | 6 Pagespower of money. There are policies designed to control demand- †pull or cost- †push inflation for example by reducing aggregated demand but may lead to a contraction of output and a rise in unemployment. Similar to how inflation can conflict with unemployment, deflation may also lead to a rise in unemployment. There are some policies in place to help if this was to happen. The fiscal and monetary policies are used as tools to keep the economy stable. Monetary policy is primarily concerned withRead MoreThe Conflict Between Inflation And Unemployment1374 Words  | 6 Pagespower of money. There are policies designed to control demand- †pull or cost- †push inflation for example by reducing aggregated demand but may lead to a contraction of output and a rise in unemployment. Similar to how inflation can conflict with unemployment, deflation may also lead to a rise in unemployment. There are some policies in place to help if this was to happen. The fiscal and monetary policies are used as tools to keep the economy stable. Monetary policy is primarily concerned withRead MoreEssay on Tax Reform in The United States1627 Words  | 7 PagesThe current tax policy in the United States is very confusing and it is very costly for our government to administer it. It is in the best interest of our country and its citizens to revise or replace our current tax policy. While most taxpayers agree that tax reform is necessary for our country the problem they encounter is the difficulty they experience when trying to understand all the political terms used when discussing tax reform. This paper is an attempt to help the taxpayers of our countryRead MoreFinancial Crisis Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesThe Federal Reserve acted in reaction to the financial crisis in many ways. First, the Federal reserve decreased the federal funds rate to near zero to encourage inter bank lending. The Federal reserve then performed perhaps one of its most important functions. It acted as the lender of last resort to banks, including numerous innovative lending facilities. Through 2010 into 2014, the federal reserve did something it hadn’t done before. It enacted a quantitative easing program, in which they madeRead Moreprogressive tax fairness1322 Words  | 6 Pages Progressive Income Tax Fairness The issue of federal income tax policy has been one of hot debate and controversy for many years. Discussions and arguments on the issue have been presented on the floors of Congress, in the United States Supreme Court, used by politicians as political platforms, broadcasted in televised debates, and discussed around the dinner table of American families of various socioeconomic backgrounds for years. The Federal Government of the United States of America, like
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Write a Letter to a Friend/Relation About a Relationship free essay sample
Rosewood Manor Derbyshire England 1896 Dear Mr Porter, It may come as a surprise to you to receive this message from me, especially as we have seldom met and are only vaguely aquainted. However, we are connected by our relationship to Catherine who, I am sure you will agree, is dear to us both. The subject that I wish to address is somewhat awkward (and may indeed be painful for you to read), but my love for my best friend compels me to speak up, regardless of the consequences. As you may know, Catherine and I have been dear friends since we were infants, and I feel that I know her more than any other could; we have shared many experiences and our friendship has remained strong in good times and bad. Catherine is admired and loved for many reasons. These include: her warm, compassionate nature; her lively spirit; her quick intelligence and her utter responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Write a Letter to a Friend/Relation About a Relationship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It pains me to say that, in spite of this, I have noticed a dramatic change in Catherine’s character since she had known you and I fear that you may be influencing her†¦ but not for the better. I do not wish to imply that you do not care for her but I take this opportunity to illustrate the change in her personality and how Catherine has transformed. There is now a certain recklessness in her behavior that is regarded as unconventional and erratic, to say the very least. She has also been frequenting inappropriate places and mixing with those whose actions could be described as debauched. Overall, this improper behavior can only damage her good reputation. Moreover it could lead to her being completely cast out of reputable society. Fra be it from me to force my will upon you but I cannot emphasise enough how Catherine’s life has become like quicksand. It will inevitably pull her down into a vortex of misery and despair. Furthermore, she will be enveloped so deeply that she will ultimately become buried, with no hope of escape. Only withdrawal from you will save her from the precipice on which she currently wavers. I understand and appreciate the devotion you must feel for Catherine and I have no doubt that she fancies herself uncontrollably in love with you, nevertheless I beg you to release her from this liason. Any feeling of love she believes to have is a figure of her imagination. The relationship is not stable and will most likely not conclude in marriage; the differences in wealth and class are too big an obstacle to overcome. Catherine has no income of her own and you are not in a financial position strong enough to provide for her. Being Catherine’s closest confident, all her deepest hopes and secrets close to the heart are disclosed to me and I have been alarmed and dismayed to hear plans of elopement. I have reason to believe that, unbeknownst to others, you are to flee to Brighton! I can only assume that your intentions are unseemly and immoral. I beseech you to reconsider and contemplate the consequences of this action. For, if this plan commenced, Catherine would harbor regret and remorse for the remainder of her existence. It is likely that you would also suffer; neither of you could be happy under such indecent circumstances. I conclude, therefore, by appealing to your better nature. If you truly respect and care for Catherine, then you cannot help but see how destructive the relationship between you is. Thus I beg you to end it now, before it too late for you both†¦ Please think carefully about what I have written and be assured that I write with the best intentions. Yours sincerely, Anne Keanes
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Contamination of Food and Sanitation Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Contamination of Food and Sanitation. Answer: Contamination of food with weedicide is a growing concern across the communities that require immediate attention. Since the impact of such condition is adverse for humans, it is the responsibility of the authorities of food premises to restrict the contamination of food with these harmful chemicals. The eatery in Siputeh must be following a set of guidelines for the same. Since the spraying of weedicide takes place at a certain time of the day and a particular interval, the kitchen of the eatery must remain closed during the spraying tenure as well as for a considerable time frame after it. The employees at the kitchen of the eatery must consider washing the ingredients used for preparing dishes very well. This is to be done with the help of warm water. It is also advisable that the food ingredients are kept in sunlight prior to use. Both these processes help in reducing the impact of the weedicide to some degree. For vegetables and fruits used it is recommended that they are peeled before used (Harris et al., 2017). Responsibilities are there in part of the employees too. It is recommended that the employees maintain proper hygiene measures in order to avoid contamination of food from traces of weedicides coming into the eatery with the individuals. Changing clothes before entering the kitchen and maintaining hand washing practices are essential. Pro tective clothing sich as the use of gloves also aids in this respect. Lastly, it is necessary that all work surfaces as well as equipment and utensils are adequately sanitised prior to use (Likk-Roto et al., 2014). References Harris, K. J., Murphy, K. S., DiPietro, R. B., Line, N. D. (2017). The antecedents and outcomes of food safety motivators for restaurant workers: An expectancy framework.International Journal of Hospitality Management,63, 53-62. Likk-Roto, T., Nevas, M. (2014). Restaurant business operators' knowledge of food hygiene and their attitudes toward official food control affect the hygiene in their restaurants.Food control,43, 65-73.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Violent Media Causes Aggression in Children
The invention of televised media and video technology came with a number of challenges, especially because modern societies rely too heavily on the media for entertainment and communication. However, one of the most debated topics in this field is the possible impact of media on children and adolescents.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Violent Media Causes Aggression in Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since 1970s, several empirical studies have suggested that exposure to violent scenes in televised media has a high likelihood of instilling aggressive behaviour in children (Paik Comstock, 2004). While a number of scholars in education and psychology have done some research to refute this claim, there is adequate evidence, from research and theory, that confirms that violent media causes aggressive behaviour in children. Using social cognitive and other learning theories, it would be clear to support the empirical studies that support the postulate that violent social media causes aggressiveness in children. Albert Bandura (1997) provides this field of study with adequate background on which one can clearly show that media violence causes aggressiveness in children. In his social learning theory, Bandura attempts to show how people learn from observations and thereafter take similar actions to those learnt from observation. Within this context, the cognitive theory of learning argues that internal mental states are an integral part of observational learning (Bandura, 1997). Thus, in social setting, people acquire new information from observing the behaviours of others. Using this theory, it is evident that children are likely to take the behaviours of other people in the society; especially they are exposed to such behaviours for a substantial time.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A dding on this, studies have shown that children are more likely to learn from observing than older people. This is true because children often learn from imitations, right from acquisition of language. It is also evident that children take the behaviours they frequently observe in their lives. In his famous Bobby doll experiment, Bandura found that children become aggressive towards an object or a person once they observe another person behaving in the same manner (Bandura, 1997). However, some opponents of this theory attempt to argue that the violence a child acquires from observation is short-term, and may not appear as the child grow up. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the frequency of exposure to a given behaviour is directly proportional to the time length of existence of a given type of behaviour in a child. In fact, violent behaviour is constant in televised media and the TV and videos are at the disposal of modern children (Hogben, 2008). Secondly, opponents tend to a rgue that within the context of social cognitive learning, three other different psychological processes normally increase the behaviour of a child. First, priming of a pre-existing aggressive script, angry emotions and aggressive cognitions contribute to social cognitive learning. They also argue that simple mimicking of aggressive script play an important role, alongside changes in emotional arousal due to stimulations by observing scenes of violence (Hurley Chatter, 2004). However, it is important to clarify here that human mind behaves as an associative body of network where themes or ideas are partially primed, activated or triggered by a stimuli that could be internal and external.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Violent Media Causes Aggression in Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Actually, aggressiveness develops this same way in children (Anderson Bushman, 2008). Exposure to media violence deve lops some similar behaviour in children once they come across stimuli that provoke a more similar situation to the televised scene. Here, children develop aggressiveness by reacting to a stimuli they same way they have been seeing characters behave on television and video. In conclusion, exposure to media violence increases the rate of violence in children, both in short term and long term. In addition, this postulate is better explained by social cognitive learning, which is one of the main processes through which human learn in childhood. References Anderson, C. A., Bushman, B. J. (2008). Media violence and societal violence Science, 2(9), 2377- 2378 Bandura, A. (1997). Social Learning Theory. New York, NY: Prentice-Hall Hogben, M. (2008). Factors moderating the effect of television aggression on viewer behavior. Communic Res, 2(5), 220- 247 Hurley, S., Chatter, N. (2004). Perspectives on Imitation: From Cognitive Neuroscience to Social Science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Advertis ing Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Paik, H., Comstock, G. (2004). The effects of television violence on antisocial behavior: a meta-analysis. Communic Res 2(1), 516- 546 This essay on Violent Media Causes Aggression in Children was written and submitted by user Braxton House to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Chicboy Marketing Plan Essay Essays
Chicboy Marketing Plan Essay Essays Chicboy Marketing Plan Essay Paper Chicboy Marketing Plan Essay Paper Chic-Boyâ„ ¢ is a new hallmark and concern theoretical account of Pier One Bar and Grill Holdings Corporation. the company behind the successful Pier One Bar and Grill eating house concatenation in the Philippines. It is a quick-service eating house that is a â€Å"cut above†fast nutrient. with a cult-like followers. Our construct focuses on quality. assortment and service. Chic-boy’s pride is its Cebu Lechon Manok and Cebu Lechon Liempo marinated and stuffed with her set spices and wood coal broiled to juicy and tasty flawlessness. * Aims The chief aim of Chic-Boy is to supply people/ their clients with great nutrients at low-cost monetary values. supply convenience by leting household reunions and acquire together. And last but non the least. one of their aims is to spread out the concern by supplying and leting franchise. * THE FRANCHISOR-FRANCHISEE RELATIONSHIP Franchisor shall supply Franchisee with specifications for trade names and types of any equipment. fixtures and furniture required for the Franchised Facility. The Franchisor will supply supplies such as merchandises. equipment and stuffs antecedently designed and provided by the Franchisor to be used in the Franchised Facilities and â€Å"services†that includes. but is non limited to. consistent invention and redevelopment of merchandises and procedures. in-store audit cheques related to the consistent patterns of hygiene. safety. and proper execution of pre-defined pharmaceutics patterns and methods. besides developing and aid plan will be given. * Duties of the Franchisee The duty of the franchisee will concentrate on the go oning services and royalty fees. accounting and records. criterions of quality and public presentation. * PRODUCTS AND SERVICES The company offers a broad assortment of repasts such as Chiquito Meals. Chibog-Busog Meals. Cebu Lechon. Magandand Umaga Meals. Sphagetamis. Nipponese. Appetizers. Merienda. Desserts. Soup. Sizzling Specials and etc. Most repasts are served with house soup and limitless rice. they besides offerbottomless iced tea. They besides give clients fried garlic for free. * MANAGEMENT. STAFFING. STRATEGIC PARTNERS. ANG PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT * Management TeamThe proprietor is considered as the General Manager of one shop. In every shop the highest place that is managing the day-to-day production is their several Supervisors. . * StaffingThe freshly franchised Chic-Boy mercantile establishment will be engaging 11 staffs dwelling of the cooks. crews. tellers and security guard. * Strategic Partner and Professional SupportAs for strategic spouse. the company will be provided with general contractors will be responsible for the shop equipments. care and physical properties and design of the shop. and as for professional support. an comptroller to head the accounting and fiscal side of the company. * Gantt ChartAs for the agenda of activities of the company. Chic-Boy will hold a one twelvemonth readying before it will officially open. The given month will be from September 2012- September 2013. * OPERATIONS * Hours and Days of OperationThe proposed Chic-Boy mercantile establishment will be runing for seven ( 7 ) times a hebdomad. 16 ( 16 ) hours a twenty-four hours. The shop hours will be from 7:00 am up to 10:00 autopsy * Layout and FacilitiesThe shop will be at least 200sqm. It will hold a 2nd floor to suit the figure of clients. The chairs and tabular arraies will be arranged as to let the clients to still walk in between the them even if ther are a batch of clients. * Licensing. Permitting A ; Other Regulatory IssuesGeting the needed concern licence and licenses for Chic-Boy is a necessary measure to guarantee that the concern is staying the bylaws. It needs some sortof concern licence or license to run the concern lawfully. Chic-boy will acquire first clearance and license before heading to the Securities and Exchange in Commission. * Operating ProceduresThe process will be a simple procedure get downing from the entryway of the client followed by the buying of the nutrient. ingestions of the ordered point and so go forthing of the client one time done and satisfied. Then as a new client arrives. the procedure starts once more. * Inventory ManagementThe merchandises of Chic-Boy will be ordered from the commissary in a day-to-day need footing. It will be stored in the kitchen hair-raisers to continue good quality and freshness and to fulfill customers’ criterions. * Selling * Target LocationThe franchise will be located at Dr. C. A. Aguila St. inside Mendiola. Manila. Its approximative square footage is 200 sqm. . it is a good traversed way taking jeepney’s and vehicles coming from recto heading to Pandacan. Sta. Ana. Makati and Pasay. frailty versa. It is besides surrounded by at least six ( 6 ) schools. * Marketing Targets The mark market of Chic-boy will be pupils. employees and famiies. There are no age bound as to who are their mark market. every bit long as they can still eat the repasts offered by the constitution. * Distribution Since the entity proposed is non in the fabrication industry. the distribution described in the program will be the location where the mercantile establishment will be put up therefore functioning the clients within the locality. * Competitive Environment and Positioning The primary rivals of the Chic-Boy will be the fast nutrient ironss such as Jollibee. McDonald’s and KFC that are within the same locality of the proposed franchise. The other nutrient plaes are considered as secondary rivals because since both offer nutrient. the service and type of nutrient served is different. * Marketing Tactics and Support The selling tactics and support that Chic-Boy are already offering are simple circular giving and poster of tarpaulins and postings. And the Chic-Boy wireless they have in their ain shops and mercantile establishments. * CAPITAL Plan* Beginnings of Fundss The P 6. 069. 000 entire investing will be funded by the 5 investors with the distribution as follows: Phosphorus 3. 069. 000 for the pull offing manager and P 750. 000 for the staying 4 investors. * Use of Fundss The entire investing of P 6. 069. 000 will be used in the payment of rent for the land/property. Working Capital. Furniture. Fixtures. Equipments. Construction and Renovation. A fund shall be allotted for the payment of rent. because the belongings is leased ; for the furniture. fixture and equipments. this includes the aircon units. signage. tabular arraies A ; chairs. grillers. scope goon. deep-freezes A ; hair-raisers. home bases. utensils kitchen and eating house supplies ; another allotment for the building A ; redevelopment which includes civil plants. plumbing. electrical. illuming. mechanical. fumes and fresh air ; and last but non the least. financess to be used as commissary sedimentation. franchise fee and working capital.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Microeconomics Summary paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Microeconomics Summary - Term Paper Example Demand relationship is the association between the amount demanded and the price it is demanded at. Supply and demand are expressed in terms of the price (J. R. Adil, 2006). The force which distributes the resources is triggered by the correlation of supply and demand. The theories involved in market economy suggest that the supply and demand theory can distribute the resources in a highly efficient manner. To see how that happens we will study closely the laws of supply and demand. According to the â€Å"Law of Demand†, considering all the other factors to remain constant, the price of a good is inversely proportional to its demand. If the price of a good is increased than less people would want it and if the prices are decreased then more people will want to buy the good. With the increase in price of a good or service, there is an increase in the opportunity cost of the purchase of that particular good or service and that is why less people buy that good. This will result in people not buying goods which will cause them to abstain from using goods which are more valuable to them. As shown in the graph below, the curve is a downward slope. The curve of demand has three points on it which are A, B and C on it. On the curve, the relationship between price (P) and quantity (Q) is being directly represented at each point. So the quantity and price at point A will be Q1 and P1 respectively, and so on. The inverse relation between the price and quantity demanded is evident from the curve. At A the price is higher therefore the demand is lower whereas at C, the demand is higher and the price is lower (Economics Basics: Supply and Demand, 2003). The law of supply exhibits those quantities which are sold at fixed prices similar to that in the â€Å"Law of Demand†, but the slope in the law of supply is upward. This means that the price and the amount supplied are directly proportional to each other. Higher the price higher will be the supply.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What are the key contributions of buyers in the successful completion Essay
What are the key contributions of buyers in the successful completion of the company budget - Essay Example The links of buyers on myriad operational activities provide great influence in budget allocation. Since the responsibility of overseeing interrelated functions concerning a product range within a particular category which includes selection, sales and profitability lies on the buyer, creating the company budget entails major involvement of the buyer. Starting from the analysis of potential movements in the market, the buyer assures that buying operations fit within the overall financial budget by providing the appropriate information during the planning stage of the company when budget setting takes place. Historical analysis is a useful tool for the buyer in making judgments that concern market developments particularly on the acquisition of supplies. Aside from looking at past sales, the buyer also looks at expectations of price fluctuations and movements taking into consideration various factors that affect the market value of production inputs based on opportunities present in t he market. With market analysis, the buyer provides the information necessary for the generation of the budget.Trading operations of the company depend on a structured, achievable and accurate budget derived from sound information and because the buyer is involved in liaising with other departments and suppliers, the understanding of the buyer in relation to the market is the key for presenting the outline of finances. Through thorough research and evaluation of product and price trends, the buyer assures that the company budget sustains organizational activities. ... The collection of garment supplies revolve around the budget constraints set by the company. Through budget allocation, decisions on acquisition take place. In the process of allocation, the paths of the company money is traced in every aspect it is used. Money spending decisions of the company in the course of acquisitions of necessary supplies provide an outline of the range structure. With the range structure, the buyer makes decisions on the selection of product ranges aimed at a specific market that will make the department operations together with other related business functions run smoothly and in line with the set objectives of the company. What Are the Key Inputs of Buyers into the Promotional Calendar In the pursuit of accomplishing the series of events planned by the company to make products known to the market, the buyer is involved and functions in coordination with the marketing department. The buyer ensures that purchasing activities complement the visions of the marketing department as set on the promotional calendar. This is undertaken through an efficient and effective planning of ranges to assure that actions of the buyer in relation to the collection of garments for the specified period coincide with what the marketing department is trying to pursue. Promotion is an essential factor in the success of the fashion products of a company since the activity provides the target market with the vital information regarding the products offered to them. Brand awareness and brand recall is instituted in the course of promotional undertakings of products targeted to be sold. With the promotion of a product, demand is expected to be created and as a result boost sales. The impact of the promotional campaign whether in print advertisements
Monday, November 18, 2019
Imagine that you are living in colonial America. Write a LETTER either Essay
Imagine that you are living in colonial America. Write a LETTER either supporting or condemning the activities - Essay Example The price of tobacco has declined due to constant wars and we are facing cutthroat commercial competition from Maryland and the Carolinas. Moreover the English manufactured products are high priced and so we can’t afford to buy them. All these cause serious problems that our very basic existence will be difficult if the situation continues. Mr. Bacon’s hostile attitude has taken the lives of our so many of our colleagues. In his expedition to our villages he ruthlessly plunders our homes and destroys our cultivated lands. Mr. Bacon knows that it is not we who are behind the slashing of the prices of tobacco products. We too do suffer terribly from this and still made scapegoats of this ill-fated incident. Our only request to the Queen is to call back Mr. Bacon and provide us the opportunity to live peacefully in our own
Friday, November 15, 2019
Smartphone Operating Systems: Evaluation Enhancements
Smartphone Operating Systems: Evaluation Enhancements Muneer Ahmad Dar Javed Parvez Abstractâ€â€The increasing number of mobile operating systems that operates the small hand held devices called the Smartphone, has become integral part of our lives. The openness of these new environments has lead to new domain of apps and markets and has enabled greater integration with existing online services like e-banking etc. Smartphone makers are competing in turns to trump each other for storage, processor speed, platform compatibility and camera megapixels but it’s the largely software the mobile OS that makes the biggest difference to the popularity and market share of Smartphone. This paper evaluates the popular Smartphone Operating Systems with the purpose of understanding the user friendliness, popularity, user privacy and security and accessibility with the wide range of apps. Our research focused on the advantages and limitations of the Smartphone operating systems with the intension to find out if one of them has an edge on the other and finally we propos e the enhancements so as to make them more user friendly and secure. Keywords: mobile Operating Systems; Smartphone; Apps; Processor speed; Megapixels; Security; Accessibility. Introduction Smartphone have become indispensible part of our life and everyone who uses it is getting addicted. Smartphone provides a wide variety of apps ranging from social networking to GPS based location searching that are useful for everyone in their day today tasks. In a study of 1,600 people including managers and professionals [1], Leslie Perlow, found that: 70% people said they check their Smartphone within an hour of getting up. 56% check their phone within an hour of going to sleep. 48% check over the weekend, including on Friday and Saturday nights. 51% check continuously during vacation. 44% said they would experience a great deal of anxiety if they lost their phone and couldnt replace it for a week. With these many professionals becoming dependent on Smartphone, which has necessary components of the computing platform: an operating system, applications and hardware. The main component of a Smartphone on which its functionality depends is the operating system ASmartphone,tablet or any other digitalmobile device is operated by the Operating system called the mobile OS. Modern mobile operating systems includes all the features of apersonal computeroperating system and in addition to that includes the features like atouch screen,cellular,Bluetooth,Wi-Fi,speech recognition,voice recorder, GPS mobile navigation,camera,video camera,music player etc. The Smartphone operating system (OS) development has grown to include competitors such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Symbian, and Palm with each of them trying to make it more user friendly and secure. Although these operating system platforms are trying their best and have come achieved a lot since their inception, none of these Smartphone companies provide a mobile OS that is ideal and satisfies all the users in terms of user friendliness and privacy. They claim that their platforms perform the best in all situations and will certainly not advertise any weakness with their Operating systems. This makes it difficult for end users particularly to a novice user to know which platform is best suited for their need. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive analysis of each mobile operating system in order to identify the strengths of one Operating System over other operating system. Section II gives the overview of various Smartphone operating systems. In section III we identify the limitations of mobile operating systems. In section IV we propose the enhancements which could be implemented in the Smartphone Operating Systems and finally we draw our conclusions in section V. Smartphone Operating Systems ANDROID Andy Rubin, Google’s director of mobile platforms, commented â€Å"There should be nothing that users can access on their desktop that they can’t access on their cell phone.†[1]. with this vision the popularity of smart phones having Google’s Android Operating System is continuously on the rise in the 21st century. .Android is a comprehensive operating environment based on Linux kernel, it is also a layered system; the architecture of Android system is shown as in picture [3]. Applications layer is the site of all Android applications including an email client, SMS program, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language. Application framework layer defined the Android application framework. All Android applications are based on the application framework. The Android application framework including: A rich and extensible set of Views that can be used to build an application with beautiful user interface, including lists, grids, text boxes, buttons, and even an embeddable web browser. A set of Content Providers that enable applications to access data from other applications (such as Contacts), or to share their own data. A Resource Manager that provides access to non code resources such as localized strings, graphics, and layout files A Notification Manager that enables all applications to display custom alerts in the status bar. An Activity Manager that manages the lifecycle of applications and provides a common navigation back stack.[1]. Figure 1: Android System Architecture [3] Some of the advantages of Android over other Smartphone operating systems is listed as under. The ability to run tens of thousands of apps just like the iPhone but with choice of phone models that you can choose from. The choice of with or without physical keyboard, shape, color, phone size, screen size, manufacturer, features, and phone carrier. No more monopoly by one company on one carrier. Android allow developers/programmers to develop apps (applications) in what is known as application without borders. Android is beginner friendly and supremely customizable the more you use Googles services, the more Android will shine Android has the majority of the market and the user experience is improving quickly. Google’s Android Now checks your location and calendar to automatically show you relevant info e.g. traffic to work, cafes, and flight details and lets you search with natural voice commands and replies with natural speech. Android is an open source service. This means that it’s free and anyone can use it. Anyone can modify and improve the software making it more effective and personalized. Applications are freely made and designed for Android by numerous app developers all over the world and these apps are offered for free on the Android market place. This feature of open source has also attracted mobile phone producers to manufacture phones using Android OS Android is not just an operating system designed for individuals but it also fulfills your business needs at the same time. Android market place offers numerous apps that are specially designed to manage your business. Now you can have a closer look at your business processes on the go with the help of these apps. IPHONE OS iOS is the mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. It is the second most commonly used operating system behind Google’s Android. Unlike Android it can be installed only on Apple’s hardware. The iPhone OS has seen a rapid rise in popularity and garnered a large and dedicated user base. The iPhone OS has risen so far and so fast primarily due to the innovations on user interface and availability of 3rd party applications [11]. Unlike the Android security architecture, iOS security model provides different philosophy for achieving mobile device security and user’s protection. The iOS application platform empowers developers to create new applications and to contribute to the application store. However, each application submitted by a third party developer is sent to the revision process. During the revision process the application code is analyzed by professional developers who make sure that the application is safe before it is released the application store. However, such an application, when installed, gets all the permissions on a mobile device. Application might access local camera, 3G/4G, Wi-Fi or GPS module without users knowledge. While Android lets each user handle its own security on their own responsibility, the iOS platform makes developers to write safe code using iOS secure APIs and prevents malicious applications from getting into the app store. The iOS security APIs are located in the Core Services layer of the operating system and are based on services in the Core OS (kernel) layer of the operating system [14]. Application that needs to execute a network task, may use secure networking functions through the API called CFNetwork , located in the Core Services layer. The iOS security implementation includes a daemon called the Security Server that implements several security protocols. The Security Server has no API with public access. Instead, applications use the Keychain Services API, the Certificate, Key, and Trust services API, which in turn gets access with the Security Server. SYMBIAN The Symbian OS was designed specifically for mobile devices with its small memory footprint and consumes low power. It is an open OS, enabling third party developers to write and install applications independently from the device manufacturers. An extensive C++ API is provided which allows access to services such as telephony and messaging, in addition to basic OS functionality. The Symbian OS was designed so applications could run for years without losing the user data. Also the OS has the capability of being platform independent and can run on more than one hardware platform [6, 7, 8, 9]. WINDOWS MOBILE This platform is based on Windows CE (WinCE). WinCe is a compact OS specifically designed for pervasive devices. It is focused on providing a consistent interface for applications on various hardware platforms which emphasizes portability by providing the user with the Win32 API. The hardware platforms include Packet PCs, Smartphone, Portable Media Centers, and even onboard computers in automobiles. The Windows Mobile platform was designed for flexibility and with the developer in mind. For that reason it was designed to support lots of preemptive multitasking. It supports a whopping 256 priority levels for threads and up to 32 processes. It supports all of the standard mutual exclusion and synchronization methods you would expect from a desktop PC. This functionality makes it ideal for a Smartphone because the users typically demand multitasking and want to be as productive as possible [4, 7, 8, 9 ]. PALM OS Palm OS is a proprietary operating system originally developed by Palm Inc. In the early versions (preà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Garnet), the Palm OS was primarily utilized in Palmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ developed Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) mobile hardware units. At one point, Palm PDAs with the Palm OS held 85% of the market share in the mobile device market [12]. However, in recent years, Palms market share has been in decline, mostly due to the stagnant nature of the OS development and has yielded the leading position to Symbian [6, 7, 8, 12]. Limitations of Mobile Os As discussed in the previous sections, the mobile operating systems are competing for the major market share and are claiming to be the best for the users, yet they have number of limitations in their platforms which for obvious reasons they are not disclosing to their users. The malicious apps aimed at mobile devices have risen from about 14,000 to 40,000 in less than a year. This rise in the malicious apps requires the strong OS. The limitations of the Mobile operating systems are listed as under: All or No Permission: A user cannot grant single permissions, while rejecting others in order to install the app. Among the list of permissions an app might request a suspicious permission among the other legitimate permissions, will still be able to confirm the installation. Mobile devices may download malware which the mobile OS is not able to trace. The novice users may download apps that contain malware unknowingly because it can be disguised as a well known game, security patch by OS, utility, or other useful application. It is difficult for users to tell the difference between a legitimate app and one containing malware. Often, the users of the app cannot judge the appropriateness and legitimacy of permissions for the app in question. In some cases it may be well understood, for example when a chess game app requests the privilege to reboot the Smartphone or to send SMS messages. In many cases, however, users will simply not be able to understand the appropriateness of the permission. Functionality, which is supposed to be possible only given the appropriate permissions, can still be achieved with less number of permissions or even with none at all. In case of the iOS , the user is not at all informed about any of the permissions. The app can access any of the resources without the permission of the user. Resistance of Android and iOS against various attacks. Proposed OS Enhancements In order to enhance the security of the mobile operating systems we propose the following Enhancements: Need Based Permission System (NBS): The Need-Based Security (NBS) system designed to enhance the privacy of the user at run time. The main advantage of the proposed NBS system is that the user is informed about the authorized and unauthorized access of the resources at run time. The NBS system can be implemented in the operating system to provide the permissions at run time. Currently the Os is either including all the permissions without the information of the user as in case of iOS or it forces the user to accept all the permissions at install time as in case of the worlds popular OS Android. The most important file AndroidManifest.xml which lists the permissions of the app can be modified at run time by providing the need based permission system whenever the app is asking for the permission the user may be informed at that moment. For example, let us examine the Dial Kashmir app available on Google Play which gives all the details of Tourist places in Kashmir and contact details o f important places like universities, government offices etc. The main permission this app may require is the INTERNET. If it includes MANAGE_ACCOUNTS which is the permission that allows the app to retrieve the user account information from the phone, our operating system will get the permission from the user at run time to access the resource and if user allows then only the permission will be granted. The main advantage of our NBS system is that it gives freedom to the users and the programmers to write a code which does not result in usability issues. Need based permission system and getting permission approvals at run time is a relatively new but promising approach as it gives lot of freedom to the novice users. Security API: In order to deal with the malicious apps downloaded by the user, we propose a security API which can be integrated with the existing security framework of mobile operating system. The objective is to provide security against the Apps which are installed by the end user and is given all the permissions at the time of installation. This enhanced security has the desirable property of not disturbing a regular user in any noticeable way. In fact, the user need not even be aware that the Security API has been applied. We have to prevent the modification and access of data from mobile phones by other external malicious applications unknowingly. We propose an API which will enhance the security of existing Android Framework. The first step in our proposed security API is implemented by adapting an encryption technique utilizing Advanced Encryption Algorithm (AES) and applying it to all the personal files in the Smartphone. File operations offered by the proposed Security API should aid in the detection of potentially malicious Apps whose behavior matches that of Malware. Malware recognition is usually achieved by signature matching, heuristic analysis, or comparing hash-values Fig 4: Sequence Diagram of the System Conclusion The increasing trend of Smartphone usage by individuals of all ages has brought forward stiff competition between different Smartphone OS’s and Google’s Android OS. However, recent researches and reports revealed that the novice users are not secure on these platforms because of the limitations of these OS. We found different types of limitations in various mobile Os and particularly in Android and iOS which are the leading mobile Operating Systems. We found that there is a major need of modification in the permission based model of security system and we strongly recommended the implementation of Need based security system in the mobile operating systems so that the novice user can be informed at run time about the access to its various resources. References Perlow, L.A.: Sleeping with your smartphone:how to break the 24-7 habbit and change the way you work, Harvard Business review press, 2012. Kataria, A.; Anjali, T.; Venkat, R., Quantifying smartphone vulnerabilities,Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2014 International Conference on, vol., no., pp.645,649, 20-21 Feb. 2014doi: 10.1109/SPIN.2014. 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Roughly Drafted Magazine.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 20 sdkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ noà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ multitaskingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ myth/> (accessed 8 February 2009). Dilger, Daniel E. â€Å"iPhone OS X Architecture: the Mach Kernel and RAM.†13 July 2007. Roughly Drafted Magazine.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ osà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ xà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ architectureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ machà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ kernelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ andram/> Faas, Ryan and David Haskin. â€Å"Review: Which smart phone OS works best?†. [14]. Apple inc., iOS Reference Library, Security Overview,
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Alcohol Television Commercials are Misleading Viewers Essay -- Media
Alcohol Television Commercials are Misleading Viewers At any given time a person can turn on their television and find a commercial of some sort. Their main purpose is for them to throw information about their product to anyone who will listen. It is also common for this form of advertisement to be promoting an alcoholic beverage. Whether it’s a catchy song with the chorus chanting â€Å"This Bud’s for you!†or three frogs belching â€Å"Bud-Wei-Ser!†, viewers learn the slogans and use them in their own lives. Needless to say, alcohol companies have mastered the art of grabbing the attention of their audience by imbedding their images and words through commercial advertising. Although clever, these advertisements can be misleading their viewers to think that drinking brings unattainable excitement and pleasure rather than the serious consequences that frequently arise. Statistics for drinking are alarming for any age group. However reports about adolescent drinking are possibly the most alarming, and are a large indicator that alcohol advertisements mislead their audiences. The National Institute on Media and the Family has reported many disturbing facts about the false portrayals of alcohol consumption. For example, the institute reports that â€Å"by the time teenagers reach driving age, they will have seen 75,000 alcohol ads†(Baran, 2004, p. 445). This means that adolescents are exposed to almost 13 alcohol advertisements a day. Whether it’s subtle or obvious, children still get the message that alcohol consumption leads to parties and happiness. In fact, statistics show that â€Å"56% of children in grades 5 through 12 say that alcohol advertising encourages them to drink†(Baran, 2004, p.445). By the use of image ad... ...d federal mandated warnings), research has shown that they hurt the cause as opposed to helping. The boomerang effect expresses just this: â€Å"drinkers perceive alcohol as having more benefits when the warning is present†(Lapin, McKinnon, 1998, p.3). Alcohol is almost like a forbidden fruit, which makes the idea even more exciting and its consumers to feel as though they are overcoming the infringement on their own rights. This research, as discomforting as it is, makes it almost impossible to find a solution to overcoming the misleading information handed out through alcohol commercials. As long as alcohol is sold, it will have to be advertised with the enthusiasm and appeal that it does now, in order to maintain the consumer’s attention. Sadly enough, this has to be done through false conditions which will steadily impact our society’s view of drinking.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Over Population In India
CIA World Fact book reported India as second in rank for the most populated country as of July 2003 survey. The country possesses 170 million hectares of land and has the ability to produce high quantity of crop yields. In 1999, India was reported as second to the highest producer of both rice and wheat. However, the government cannot sustain the biological needs of their countrymen due to their increasing population.In the same year, 53% of its population particularly children at the age of 5 years old was malnourished and 37% experienced lack of supply for fresh water. 5% of the population was reported below average in the poverty line. Almost 15 million people in Bombay consider sidewalks as their beds. The unstoppable increase in population made the problems worse because each day new babies were born and their needs are not being met. Both arguments must be addressed because no matter how good the government is, if the population is too large, shortage of basic needs will challe nge the country. Lowering the population is one attempt to solve the problem.It is by examining the birth rates to death rates. If the death rates exceed birth rates, the population is decreasing. Decrease in birthrates and increase in death rates is ways to lower the growth rates. Since the focus of their government is how to improve quality life, lowering the birth rates is a more acceptable option. But this solution brought discrimination for women. They prefer to have male babies because they considered women as producers of life.Deprivation in foods, health services, education and abortion of female fetuses ranged. Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi started forced vasectomies. The government recently considered the use of injection and birth control methods, which later on proved that have negative side effects. Financial and Political supports must need to happen. Help people feel that they can be agents of change and not source of dilemmas.
Friday, November 8, 2019
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Essays
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Essays I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Essay I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Essay Essay Topic: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings BY Chiara_s In the novel I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, published in 1969, Maya Angelou wrote her autobiography full of emotions and surprises. The author, the protagonist, is a very interesting character that Im going to present you. Im going to present you this woman who had many hardships in her lifetime, and had the courage to write it. During her childhood, Maya Angelou suffers from her appearance, from her displacement which she qualifies as unnecessary insults, and also by the fact that she doesnt feel loved. She grows up as a Black Girl in Southern America and describes it as painful. She never feels pretty, she hopes shell wake up from a black ugly dream and reveal her true-self blond with blue eyes. Even when she sees her mother for the first time, the first thing that strikes her is her beauty. She thinks she is not as beautiful as her mother. She compares her mother to her brother, Bailey, and think they are both beautiful but not her. She is hard to herself. She thinks it is why she gets rid of her kids: l knew immediately why she had sent me away. She was too beautiful to have children. I had never seen a woman as pretty as she who was called Mother. (9. 1 5). When she is eight, Maya must quit Stamps to go living in an unknown city named St Louis with her mother. St Louis is a big city. Too big for her. She doesnt feel at home is St Louis. Mayas life in St Louis changes her from Stamps, which is a little town where nothing happens. She says l had decided that St Louis was a foreign country. Even her school is not great we were struck by the ignorance of our schoolmates and the rudeness of our teachers. In Stamps, teachers are friendly, but in St Louis eachers are more formal. She doesnt feel good either in St Louis than in her family. Mayas parents abandon her and Bailey when she was three; they wonder what they did wrong that their parents wouldnt want them anymore. She doesnt feel loved and need more physical affection. She looks for comfort in Mr. Freeman, her mothers boyfriend. He held me so softly that I wished he wouldnt ever let me go (1 1. 15). She thinks Mr. Freeman loves her but she is wrong, he molests and rapes her. Maya thought it was her fault because she was so young and ignorant, she never heard bout sexuality. The rape was non-sense to her. Mr. Freeman treated her like a woman and not like a child. Mr. Freeman acted like an animal and a beast on Maya. The rape the incident in St Louis as she says is a shame for her; she sees it as a shame. For example, she doesnt want to know if Uncle Willie is aware of the rape because if yes she would feel embarrass and ashamed. succeeds and became stronger. Even if she faced hard obstacles, she survived from it. For example, she survived from the rape, from the humiliation of the rape. Writing er autobiography, shows Maya overcomes difficulties about what happened to her. It is courageous to write her autobiography because it is a hard and tricky story. Many people could not write that because they could not confront their pain. But Maya did it and it is a part of her success. Writing allows her to overcome her pains. To conclude, Maya had to confront many hard moment in her childhood but finally she get over these obstacles and became stronger, and succeed (as she wrote this book). It proves she is an extraordinary person.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Dna history Essays
Dna history Essays Dna history Essay Dna history Essay The history of DNA structure discovery(sec. 4. 1): 1869- Johan miescher studies the nuclei of white blood cells(isolated th material using HCL and digestive proteins Named the substance nulclein and also found the material was rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. 919-Pheobus levene Discovered that DNA was made of chains of nucleotides *see nucleotide structure* 1920 DNAVSRNA * see chart Thought that 4 nucleotides were connected in the same repeated pattern protein gas 20 amino acids which could be combined in many combinations 1928- Frederick Griffith studied tho starins of pnuemococccus bacteria Rough strain-nonvirulent -Injection into mouse did not result in death smooth -injection caused death conclusion; some factor from the dead, virulent smooth strain transformed rthe living non-virulent rough strain. Non virulent rough strain picked up DNA becoming virulent. 1930-Joachim hammerling *see image in notebook* nucleus controls phenotypic properties of algae Avefry continued Griffiths w ork: purified chemicals from the heat-killed virulent bacteria, including DNA transformed non-virulent bacteria with each chemical into viruent only DNA resulted in death of the mouse Conclusion: transforming agent is DNA, thus DNA carries information to change living cell. 944-Avey, McCarty, and MacLeod Continued Griffiths work with pnemococcus see notebook* 1940s-Joshua Lederberg demonstrated bacterial conjugation -bacteria can exchange DNA Baccteria have no nucleus or chromosomes. 1940s- Edwin Chargaff For all organisms A=T and G=C (chargaffs rule) Organsisms with more Gs and Cs tend to be more complex (3 h-bonds) 1952-Hersey chase Conducted experiments to show definitive data to show DNA is the hereditary material. Bacteriophage used to infect bacteria. what they knew: -virus are composed of DNA and protein -virus infection reprograms a host cell to produce more virus. Question: which viral component is responsible for the reprogramming, DNA or protein. Bacteriophage/ Phage; Vir us that infects bacteria Radioactive sulfur which labels proteins Radioactive phosphorus which labels DNA virus injects DNA into host cell during infection, protein stays outside Dna provides info to reprogram host cells ti make more virus in virus, DNA is the hereditary material, not proteins. 1950-Mauric Wilkins and Rosalin franklin xray- crystallography: physics approach to examining biological molecules. ranklins xray photo indicated: 1. backbone of alternating phosphate and sugars 2. backbone is a helical structure 3. double helix structure(molecule is a uniform helix_ 4. Nitrogenous bases are in the middle of the molecuse 5. Bases are at right angels to the backbone they knew that each base could pair with partner, pyrimidine with purine. 1953-James Watson and francis crick Inspired by alpha-helix model of proteins discovered how A+T and G+C bonded together. Rosalin width of purine+pyrimidine bonds fit perfectly between the sugar-phosphate ackbone. the double helix model offer ed an easy method for replication. regular pattern typical of helical structure reminiscent of the alphahelix in proteins deterimingd rules of base pairing-size and hydrogen bonding Anti-parallel nature of strands. 1953- linus pauling proposed thr alpha helix seconday structure in proteins triple helix DNA model: 3 strands intertwined What was wrong: -phosphate groups were shown as neutral molecules -phosphates organized in the core for the helix-negative charges on oxygen would repel -Bases facing outwards.
Monday, November 4, 2019
MARKETING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
MARKETING - Assignment Example In sum the fortunes of the firm are dependent on how well its management deals with business opportunities and threats, while using the strengths of the firm to take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the effect of the threats through clever planning and strategic implementation of its vision for the company. This is what is called strategic management- or the planning and implementation to achieve its desired plans in the marketplace in the face of these internal and external forces. The legal, political, sociological, economic and other environments may pose a number of challenges that must be overcome by the business if it is to survive and prosper in the marketplace. Barclays Bank PLC is one of the key players in the worldwide banking industry as well as in the UK and this paper will discuss how successfully it has managed to meet the challenges faced by the banking sector in the UK. The Banking Sector in the UK The banking sector in the UK is one that is full of intense competition. Lately the banking sector which had been hit by the 2007-2008 economic recession has been in recovery mode and efforts are still being made to put the sector back on track and increase regulation which would prevent greed and excessive remunerations from wreaking havoc on our lives once again. Efforts are being made so that banking executives’ salaries, perks and other remunerations like bonuses and stock options will be reviewed by the Governor of the Bank of England and the Finance Secretary prior to payout. The Bank of England had committed a sum of around ?7 billion to bail out the banking sector in the UK but thankfully Barclays Bank PLC did not ask for assistance, rather it managed to raise the required capital through a number of share offerings in the equity market. Banking today can be characterized by the different products that are being dealt with, such as investment banking, asset management or debt management, or by the type of customer dealing, su ch as Wealth Management for high net worth clients and Retail Banking for all types of customers (Harrison, 1994). There are also a number of channels for service delivery, like online banking and ATM transactions, cash deposits and withdrawals, wire transfers etc. But never mind what classification you choose, it all deals with saving, lending, spending, deposits and investments and withdrawals. These are the primary functions of banking which we cannot deny (Lee, 2002). A Brief History of Barclays Bank The origins of Barclays Bank date back to the days of the goldsmiths who were acting as the earliest English bankers on London’s Lombard Street. A partnership was established between John Freame and Thomas Gould in 1690. In 1736, James Barclay, the son in law of John Freame became a partner in the business. In 1738, the business moved to 54 Lombard Street and at this time also began using the black spread eagle as an identifiable logo that is still associated with the bank to day. In 1896 two more banking businesses united with this operation under the name of Barclays & Co, by then converted into a joint stock banking company. During 1905-1916, Barclays further extended its network by acquiring other small banking operations in the UK. Amalgamations with other banks in 1916 and 1919 saw the Barclays name expand ever further. After World War II, Barclays UK established a US affiliate by
Friday, November 1, 2019
Philadelphia (1993) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Philadelphia (1993) - Research Paper Example Far right views also view the AIDS pandemic as a God sent weapon to destroy the homosexual population. According Friedman-Kien AE (1981), the views of the religious right on matters of HIV can be termed as â€Å"Dissident science†. This term comes from the fact that the theories put forward by the religious right have no scientific backing. It is unfortunate that for a long time the views of the religious right heavily impacted on policy discourses of the disease. This paper explores the responses AIDS activist media reacted to the dissident science on HIV/AIDS as constructed by the religious right. In particular, the paper explores the homosexual dimension of the HIV/AIDS debate as espoused by the Movie Philadelphia (1993). The causation debate Scientifically, it is known that HIV/AIDs is caused by the transfer of body fluids containing the viruses from one person to another’s bloodstream. The primary method of transmission of the disease is sexual intercourse. Male to male intercourse is not a HIV risk by itself. Instead, two other conditions must be met for transmission to occur. These conditions are: one of the partners has to be infected with the virus, and intercourse must result in introduction of the HIV virus into the blood stream of the uninfected partner (Duesberg, 1989). In the United States most transmissions occur between gay men. While globally most transmission occur in between heterosexual sexual partners. Since, the 1980 and 1990 the trend of higher infections in homosexual population has continued in the United States (Duesberg, 1989). It is worth noting that when the disease was first diagnosed in the United States it was recorded among Homosexual populations. This gave rise to strongly held prejudice among religious right activists that HIV/AIDS is a disease for Gay people (Marcus, 2002). The religious activist made it appear like the disease was caused by Gay men and then spread to the rest of the heterosexual population. Ini tially, HIV/AIDS was referred by names that closely tied with the gay sexual orientation. According to Andriote (1999), early reports of the disease referred to it as the gay plague, gay cancer or the Gay disease. Early researchers referred to it as the Gay-related immune deficiency (GRID). The homosexual community responded to this branding of the disease as homosexual disease by mobilizing demonstration. In 1986, Gay AIDs activists were called to action to deflect an editorial that linked HIV/AIDS with the group. William F. Buckley had published an article in March 1986 asserting â€Å"It is both a fact and the popular perception that AIDS is the special curse of the Homosexual†(Andriote, 1999). The article went further to propose the branding of gay men with AIDS at the rear and drug addicts on the arm. The Article led to the formation of the Swift and Terrible Retribution Committee. In concentration camp uniforms the retribution council picketed the headquarters of Buckl ey’s National Review in Manhattan (Afshar, n.d). The Gay and Lesbian Alliance against defamation started the media activism by organizing demonstration against homophobic and AIDS phobic coverage of HIV issues all over America (Vaid, 1995). Most of the demonstrations targeted the New York Times which was accused of being deliberately biased against
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
International Resort and Spa ManagementAnalysis of the relationship Essay
International Resort and Spa ManagementAnalysis of the relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty based on the Service-Profit Chain - Essay Example f service, including acquiring technology that enhances frontline workers, investing increasingly in people, revamping the training and recruiting practices, and performance based compensation. Such approaches enhance employee satisfaction, productivity and loyalty in line with the value of services and products delivers, thus promoting customersatisfaction and loyalty, which in turn enhances the profitability and growth of the organization. It is with no doubt that a loyal customer’s lifetime value is astronomical, particularly upon addition of referrals to the repeatpurchases and customer retention economics (Al-alak & El-refae, 2012, p. 199). The service-profit chain allows managers to focus on new investments that would allow for establishment of levels of service and satisfaction that would facilitate higher competitive impact. Various arguments have been established concerning the relationship between consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty, with some individuals beli eving that satisfaction fosters loyalty while others refuting this idea. It is evident that a level of consumersatisfaction is highly likely to facilitate repeat purchases and recommendations among consumers, but does not guarantee such loyalty to the organization. The resort and spa industry is increasingly growing with news players being introduced each instance. As such, organizations within this industry are faced with highly competitive markets, which call for highly effective strategic approaches that would allow for attraction and retention of consumers. Managers within thisindustry are faced with contrasting takes on the kind of approaches that would facilitate such retention, with one facet of perspectives suggesting that consumer satisfaction would facilitate loyalty, while the other suggesting that consumer loyalty is not necessarily guaranteed by consumer satisfaction and thus other approaches should be employed. This paper reviews the relationship between consumer satis faction
Monday, October 28, 2019
Role of Electronic Media in Communication Essay Example for Free
Role of Electronic Media in Communication Essay The role of the Internet in business communication is varied and has come to be of great importance. It can be used to increase effective communication both internally and externally. Use of the Internet can make it easier to connect with others quickly and more often, in addition to exchanging a wide array of media types. It can be used to communicate purchase information to vendors and by customers to ask questions. The factors that make the role of the Internet in business communication important can also cause conflict, depending on the way the medium is used. Email is one of the most popular uses of the internet in business communication. It is widely used for both internal and external communications. Email enables users to communicate with each other at any hour and from several locations. It can also be an effective way to keep track of requests, conversations, and other important data as it provides a record of what was communicated. One of the most significant internal uses of the internet in business communication is the intranet site. This is a website that is only available to the members of a particular organization. It typically serves as both a sort of community bulletin board and a place to access forms, information, and other resources that are necessary or helpful for employees. Most intranet sites are password protected and some even have sections which are only available to certain groups of employees. The transmission of the internet has revolutionized the business arena. The use of the Internet is changing high-tech marketing overnight while different industries have been trying to use it as part of their marketing strategy. It does not only reconfigured the way different firms do business and the way the consumers buy goods and services but it also become instrumental in transforming the value chain from manufacturers to retailers to consumers, creating a new retail distribution channel. Website development is a powerful tool used by different business organizations around the world. It is defined as the process of achieving business objectives utilizing electronic communications technology. Email- Email has evolved into probably the most common form of communication today. Set up mailing lists in your email software for internal communications, vendor news, press releases and customer information. Use a professional email address, preferably with your company’s website address as the suffix, rather than sending from a personal account or a free Web account. Sending bulk emails can result in many of your messages ending up in recipients spam folders or worse, violating the CAN-SPAM act. Contact your Internet service provider to learn if you can send bulk emails from your account and what precautions you’ll need to take to stay within the law, such as including an opt-out provision for people on your list. The convenience of email can lead to impersonal communications  send well wishes and thank-you notes using cards and letters. Press Releases- For generations, the press release has been the standard form of communications between business and the media. Create a list of media contacts and send news regularly. Put a date on each press release and supply contact information for your business, including a persons name, telephone number and email address. Don’t talk about yourself to start your press release  focus on the reader, providing information that makes your information news, not advertising or promotional content. To make sure your press release doesn’t get lost in a flurry of emails to an editor’s inbox, send a print copy of your release via snail mail and follow up with an email. Contact Management Systems- A contact management system is a database of people important to your business that you can sort in a variety of ways. The database should allow you to create lists of customers, clients, media contacts or vendors by contact type, area code, ZIP code, state or other parameters you set up in your database. Some companies create their own contact management systems, others buy sophisticated programs, while others use budget-friendly Web services. In addition to simple email lists, some programs let you create newsletters or other marketing tools to increase your interaction with customers. Phone Systems- Your business will seem more professional if you have a dedicated phone line rather than taking calls on your cellphone. Phone systems allow you to use one phone for multiple lines, play music while customers are on hold, transfer calls to other employees, make conference calls and set up mailboxes. When you buy service from a phone company or your Internet service provider, you might be able to get the phone free, along with a number of upgraded services and free customer support. Video Conferencing- Bringing people together for meetings with video conferencing not only creates a more intimate meeting, but also saves your company thousands of dollars in travel costs. Unlike a telephone conference call, a video call lets different participants show charts, make demonstrations and share drawings, models and mockups. Many computers come with built-in cameras, and attachments are available for many others. Test video conferencing with one other person, then expand to try a few internal meetings before you commit to an important videoconference. 1. Campfire If your business involves frequently collaboration with many different colleagues, clients and vendors, consider using Campfire for real-time chats. Campfire is like instant messaging, but designed exclusively for groups. It also works with any IM client. Campfire’s Web-based, group-chat tool lets you set up password-protected chat rooms and invite others to chat, collaborate and make decisions. You can upload an image file, and it displays right in the chat room for all chat members to see. You can even invite the entire chat room to a conference call with one click. Since it’s Web-based, you don’t need to download, install or configure anythingâ€â€all you need is a Web browser and an Internet connection. Best of all, a basic package will cost you just $12 per month. 2. allows individuals to post short, frequent updates that are tracked or followed by others, similar to Twitter. But unlike Twitter, provides a secure and private way to do this, enabling users to share updates among members of a company without them being visible to the outside world. The basic service is free. enables you to share images, documents, video and audioclips with colleagues. The app is a great way to get quick feedback on a new design mockup, send out new policy documents for human resources or even post pictures from the company picnic. You can also keep the team conversations focused by creating groups for each project or topic of discussionâ€â€users will receive messages that are relevant to the topic at hand, and they’re free to move between conversations as desired. 3. Yammer Does your business have team members in multiple locations, or are you a virtual team scattered across the globe? You might want to check out Yammer, which allows you to set up a private social network for your business to communicate, collaborate and share expertise via an easy-to-use, Web-based interface. While the product’s wide range of features makes it appealing to large organizations, small businesses appreciate that Yammer lets you upload and share documents with co-workers and create communities for cases when you’re working with partners outside of your network. SMB owners will also like the price: the basic service is free. 4. Cube Tree Another tool to check out is Cube Tree, Success Factors’ social collaboration technology. Cube Tree combines collaboration tools with a private social network. Users can keep each other up-to-date on their activities by following people and groups of interest, and by posting updates and comments. Cube Tree advances a team’s ability to work efficiently in public and private groups by drawing on a wide array of tools, including blogs, wikis, social docs, polls and task tracking. Cube Tree Basic is free, and Cube Tree Premier costs $5 per month per user. Small businesses that are already using Success Factors’ Employee Performance Management software will also like the fact that Cube Tree uses the same profile and organization data available in other Success Factors modules. For example, when used as part of the recruiting process, Cube Tree can accelerate recruiting by simplifying resume review and discussion on candidates, and it also streamlines the new hire’s onboarding process. 5. Mango Spring Another one-stop-shop for social communication and collaboration is MangoSpring’s MangoSuite, which includes microblogging, chat, document sharing and project management applications that work together in one integrated platform. You can mix and match the functionality you need, and you’ll only pay for what you use, with prices starting at just a few dollars per user per month. MangoSuite pulls together all of your employees’ ideas, deadlines, milestones, threaded discussions, brainstorms, exchanged links and uploaded documents and makes them accessible in a real-time enterprise micro-blogging platform. Similar to how Facebook‘s feed and commenting functionality works, sharing something with the group or project members generates a feed that is visible to the relevant team; users can then comment on any feed item. 6. WizeHive If your company’s online life revolves around e-mail, WizeHive may be the choice for you. WizeHive is a collaboration platform that allows groups to share conversations, notes, tasks, calendars, files and other information in secure, private workspaces. Information can be entered from within WizeHive or via e-mail, Twitter and mobile devices. WizeHive integrates with any e-mail programâ€â€you can create new notes or tasks by simply sending a message to a special WizeHive e-mail address with the name of the workspace in the subject. Likewise, you can also receive WizeHive communications from your colleagues via e-mail. The starter package is free for up to three workspaces and 5GB of storage 7. Socialcast Need your social communications technology to integrate with your existing infrastructure? Check out Socialcast. Socialcast allows companies to integrate their traditional systems (such as CRM and ERP) with its social software platform, enabling employees to collaborate and take action on the core processes being carried out by those systems. In terms of core functionality, Socialcast offers internal activity streams, enterprise microblogging, employee profiles, groups, integration with SharePoint and even a desktop app and mobile version. The basic service is free, but for a few dollars per user per month, Socialcast offers Socialcast Reach, which enables integration with CRM systems, ERP systems, HR business systems and more. 8. Facebook Groups Don’t need any of these bells and whistles? You might want to look at Facebook Groups. Your employees are already on Facebook, they know how to use it, and it’s free. While Facebook Groups lacks much of the advanced features of other social collaboration technology, it has just enough functionality for staff to collaborate and work together. They can use Facebook Groups for real-time collaboration, do group chat using Facebook chat, and post photos, news and updates to the group feed. It even has basic document sharing and editing functionality. Best of all, if you want your team to promote your business to their Facebook network, you don’t have to send out an e-mail and hope people shareâ€â€all you have to do is post an item to your Facebook feed and employees can share with just one click. Conclusion To summarize it all, the emergence of the Internet has undoubtedly changed the business environment in which the firms around the world operate. It has been stated that the Internet has altered industry structure by reducing the costs of coordination in the value chain. The Internet has become a source of competitive benefit by bestowing companies with new ways to outperform their competitors, and spawned new businesses by providing more information. Moreover, the Internet evolves to encourage direct interaction between producers and consumers in markets where consumers have more complete information about goods and services, enabling them to exert substantial control. Further, the rapid growth of the internet has been one of the key factors in changing the rules on how businesses’ compete in the market. The reach and speed of the enhancement along with the distinctive characteristics of interactivity and customization intensify the need for having a modern business approach from the competing industry on the internet serving in their attempt to oppose or leverage the popularity of other competitors. Herein, the strategic importance of the internet in terms of communication is especially evident for the business industry as products/services and the internet has been able to create a to maintain good customer interaction and business transactions. With millions of websites online, the Internet is considered as the most essential communication medium in the world and with millions of customers around, many organisations will have the opportunity to provide the needs of a specific market.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Jerks From North Kitsap :: Free Essay Writer
The Jerks From North Kitsap November 14, 1999: What must have been the worst day in racing history, an entire cross country team was lost and found dead 21 miles off course by the Pacific Ocean. Here is the story of what was once thought to have been the best X-Country team ever. NK Runner: (Heading to police car) "I swear I didn't think they'd do it! It was just a joke. I mean, who in god's name would go that far of course anyway!? I'm innocent I tells ya. INNOCENT!" Police Man: Why did you tell them to run a different route, son? Why did you point them in the wrong direction? NK Runner: It wasnt't just me. It was my whole team. We didn't think they'd go where we pointed. We didn't actually think they'd run to Bear Cove for cryin' out loud. We all had a good laugh when we watched the entire PA team go the wrong way, but had no idea it would lead to this. Police Man: Lead to this indeed. The whole team was ripped apart by bears. How could you pull such a deceitful act, son? NK Runner: It was just a joke..... Throughout the day, runner by runner was interviewed. Everybody who was on the premesis was asked why such an incident could occur. "The Jerks From NK" was the conclusive result. Hated in just about every sport, NK had told the PA team to run down the wrong path, so PA did. This journal was found at Bear Cove. A journal you ask? Yes, PA had a journalist go along for the run with them. A former X-Country man himself, he'd pause to write, and then he'd run to catch up. Weird, yes, but everyone in town wanted to know what made the team keep on going. Here's a few inserts from the journal. We really must be ahead of the pack now for we have not seen another runner in sight for the longest time. It's been 4 miles and we're still the only ones around. We just got done pausing for a break because we think something's a little bit fishy. Ever since those NK guys pointed us down this trail we haven't seen a soul. We're starting to get tired but we'll keep trecking on. Signing off. 20 more minutes of running and still nobody in sight. The Jerks From North Kitsap :: Free Essay Writer The Jerks From North Kitsap November 14, 1999: What must have been the worst day in racing history, an entire cross country team was lost and found dead 21 miles off course by the Pacific Ocean. Here is the story of what was once thought to have been the best X-Country team ever. NK Runner: (Heading to police car) "I swear I didn't think they'd do it! It was just a joke. I mean, who in god's name would go that far of course anyway!? I'm innocent I tells ya. INNOCENT!" Police Man: Why did you tell them to run a different route, son? Why did you point them in the wrong direction? NK Runner: It wasnt't just me. It was my whole team. We didn't think they'd go where we pointed. We didn't actually think they'd run to Bear Cove for cryin' out loud. We all had a good laugh when we watched the entire PA team go the wrong way, but had no idea it would lead to this. Police Man: Lead to this indeed. The whole team was ripped apart by bears. How could you pull such a deceitful act, son? NK Runner: It was just a joke..... Throughout the day, runner by runner was interviewed. Everybody who was on the premesis was asked why such an incident could occur. "The Jerks From NK" was the conclusive result. Hated in just about every sport, NK had told the PA team to run down the wrong path, so PA did. This journal was found at Bear Cove. A journal you ask? Yes, PA had a journalist go along for the run with them. A former X-Country man himself, he'd pause to write, and then he'd run to catch up. Weird, yes, but everyone in town wanted to know what made the team keep on going. Here's a few inserts from the journal. We really must be ahead of the pack now for we have not seen another runner in sight for the longest time. It's been 4 miles and we're still the only ones around. We just got done pausing for a break because we think something's a little bit fishy. Ever since those NK guys pointed us down this trail we haven't seen a soul. We're starting to get tired but we'll keep trecking on. Signing off. 20 more minutes of running and still nobody in sight.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Animal Testing is Animal Cruelty :: Animal Testing
Animal Testing is Animal Cruelty We, as humans, have made numerous advancements in the world. We have firmly established the scientific evolution, but in doing so, it seems that our ethics and morals have failed to progress as well. The knowledge we have acquired is remarkable, but with it comes responsibility to use it wisely and ethically. We torture and heartlessly kill creatures that we arrogantly consider lesser beings simply at our disposal. For something as simple as eye makeup animals are tortured and blinded by tests performed at the laboratory. Where they are hardly fed, often forced to live in filth, and sometimes have their vocal cords removed to keep them quiet (CAAT). We are systematically cutting down the last forest that provides their shelter to farm cattle; we dump toxic chemicals and sewage into the waters in which they live; we wear and display the tusks of the last few of their species in our homes, and we pour cosmetic products into their eyes and body parts to determine the harmful effects the y might cause on humans, even though the physiological differentiation between humans and the animals they use is drastic. On a daily basis most people do not see their own degree of unintentional support towards this global dilemma, but when compiled on paper one must question how mankind can, with conscience, commit these acts which shame us as human beings. Animals possess the same kinds of feelings and emotions as human beings, and without anesthesia, they are subjected to the pain as well. Mankind often fails to give animals the respect and rights they deserve, they are treated as lifeless, unfeeling scientific specimens and items that we may manipulate at our own convenience and for vanity’s sake. The Facts of Animal Tests - Laboratory research involving animals is cruel and merciless treatment of helpless creatures. No law requires that cosmetics and household products be tested on animals. Nevertheless, every day hundreds of animals will have had their eyes, skin or g astrointestinal systems unnecessarily burned or destroyed (PETA). Two of the most common animal tests are the Draize, or eye irritancy test and the LD50 (Lethal Dose 50). The Draize test is performed almost exclusively on albino rabbits, such as the Forida White, because they are cheap, docile, and are not â€Å"equipped†with tear ducts to wash away the chemicals. During the test the rabbits are immobilized in a stock with only their head protruding and a solid or liquid is placed in the lower lid of one eye of the rabbit; substances vary from mascara to aftershave and even oven cleaner.
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