Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Pioneers Of Modern Nursing - 1374 Words
Nursing dates back to the beginning of time, but it wasn’t until the Roman Empire in 300 C.E. that you start to see an organized field that resembles modern times. Nurses during that period were called hypourgoi and consisted of both male and females. The emperor called for a hospital to be placed in every town under Roman command setting the standard for hospital care going forward. During the middle ages, there weren’t any major improvements in healthcare. Nursing didn’t experience substantial change until the 19th century and has continued to evolve into the respected profession it is today. While the contributions for nursing were numerous, this paper will examine three pioneers of modern nursing. â€Å"Dorothea Lynde Dix was born in Hampden, Maine on April 4th, 1802.†Dix’s pioneering efforts in the mental health field stemmed from having a mentally ill mother and alcoholic father. Most of her childhood was spent living with her grandparents in Boston, Massachusetts. She often cites her early years as being a rather unhappy time period. She was a school teacher for 24 years before she embarked on her nursing journey. At the age of 39, she became a nurse, but was never educated as modern nurse. It was upon visiting Cambridge House of Corrections, in 1941, that a spark from within started a fire. Mrs. Dix, started seeking reform of all mental wards and prisons after seeing the deplorable conditions in which patients were left. In the following years, she established 32 newShow MoreRelatedThe Birth Of Florence Nightingale, A Pioneer Of The Modern Nursing Profession1628 Words  | 7 PagesMay 12, 1820 marked the beginning of a revolutionary and exciting era of nursing characterized by the birth of Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of the modern nursing profession for her work as a nurse, educator, researcher, and an environmentalist in the nursing profession (Alligood, 2014). 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Federal Government And Tax Policy - 1324 Words
When the American government formed and broke away from the British, there was a struggle between government interventions in the lives of its citizens. The federal government had limited power, and states wanted to maintain their rights. Over time as major wars broke out, infrastructure was needed, and other federal expenditures expanded, there was a need for a more powerful federal government. To raise revenues for expenditures, the federal government needed to tax the people. Now, tax policy is a major motivator of the actions of individuals, and the government has used the tax code to alter economy and societal behavior. Policy makers have used the tax code to alter the distribution of income and alter behavior when working, investing, saving, and consuming resources (Steuerle; Pg. 2). A few of the policies deal with tax preferences, enactments, vouchers, and tax cuts. Tax preferences have had a significant impact on society’s behavior and the economy because individuals want these preferences, and many individuals and entities aim to achieve the lowest tax payment as possible. Tax preferences use exclusions, exemptions, deductions, credits, and tax rates to lower the tax liability for individuals or corporations (Ippolito; Pg. 269) Preferences include the mortgage interest deduction, health insurance exclusion, lower tax rate for capital gains, etc. From the perspective of corporations, despite the high corporate tax rate, there are a variety of tax preferences thatShow MoreRelatedFiscal Policy On Employment, Potential Gdp, And The Economic Growth Rate935 Words  | 4 PagesParkin, chapter sixteen is titled Fiscal Policy. There are three objects for the chapter. The first object is to be able to â€Å"describe the federal budget process and the history of tax revenues, outlays, deficits, and debts†. The second object is to â₠¬Å"explain how fiscal stimulus is used to fight a recession†. The third objective is to â€Å"explain the supply-side effects of fiscal policy on employment, potential GDP, and the economic growth rate†. The federal budget has two main reasons it was createdRead MoreDifference Between Fiscal And Monetary Policy Essay1345 Words  | 6 PagesThere are many policies that are enacted continuously that stimulate the economy in the United States. Some of these policies stimulate the U.S. economy in a negative way and some stimulate it in a positive way. One would agree that the U.S. economy is forever changing due to various factors. Some of these economic policies are also developed due to various factors or events that may have occurred in the United States. This paper will discuss some policies that stimulate the economy, their relationRead MoreFiscal Policy and Monetary Policy781 Words  | 3 PagesFiscal policy is the governments spending policies, which influences the conditions economy as a whole. With this policy, regulators can improve unemployment rates; stabilize business cycles, control inflation, and interest rates to control the economy. The government adjusts the s pending and tax rates to influence the nation’s economy. The idea is to find the balance between public spending and changing tax rates, by increasing or lowering taxes may cause the risk of causing inflation to rise. IfRead MoreKeynesian Economic Was Developed By British Economist John Maynard Keynes1033 Words  | 5 Pagesgreat depression happened. Keynes felt that if government expenditures increased and taxes were lowered, then the global economy could be pulled out of the depression. Macroeconomics is the study of national and regional economies. It examines economic factors like unemployment, gross national product, consumption, Inflation rates, Business cycle fluctuations and foreign trade. Keynes point of view about the Macro Economy was that the government must step in to correct the instability of the economyRead MoreFederalism And The Other Federalism849 Words  | 4 Pageslevels of governments share the same power over the same region. Usually the higher national government governs the issues that concern the entire country, and smaller subdivisions govern issues of their local concern, but both have the power to make and enforce laws. Good examples of federalist countries would be Canada, Germany, France, and the United States. The federal government is granted power to mint money, declare war, establish post offices, and punish piracy. Any action that the federal governmentRead MoreThe Conflict Between Inflation And Unemployment1343 Words  | 6 Pagespower of money. There are policies designed to control demand- †pull or cost- †push inflation for example by reducing aggregated demand but may lead to a contraction of output and a rise in unemployment. Similar to how inflation can conflict with unemployment, deflation may also lead to a rise in unemployment. There are some policies in place to help if this was to happen. The fiscal and monetary policies are used as tools to keep the economy stable. Monetary policy is primarily concerned withRead MoreThe Conflict Between Inflation And Unemployment1374 Words  | 6 Pagespower of money. There are policies designed to control demand- †pull or cost- †push inflation for example by reducing aggregated demand but may lead to a contraction of output and a rise in unemployment. Similar to how inflation can conflict with unemployment, deflation may also lead to a rise in unemployment. There are some policies in place to help if this was to happen. The fiscal and monetary policies are used as tools to keep the economy stable. Monetary policy is primarily concerned withRead MoreEssay on Tax Reform in The United States1627 Words  | 7 PagesThe current tax policy in the United States is very confusing and it is very costly for our government to administer it. It is in the best interest of our country and its citizens to revise or replace our current tax policy. While most taxpayers agree that tax reform is necessary for our country the problem they encounter is the difficulty they experience when trying to understand all the political terms used when discussing tax reform. This paper is an attempt to help the taxpayers of our countryRead MoreFinancial Crisis Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesThe Federal Reserve acted in reaction to the financial crisis in many ways. First, the Federal reserve decreased the federal funds rate to near zero to encourage inter bank lending. The Federal reserve then performed perhaps one of its most important functions. It acted as the lender of last resort to banks, including numerous innovative lending facilities. Through 2010 into 2014, the federal reserve did something it hadn’t done before. It enacted a quantitative easing program, in which they madeRead Moreprogressive tax fairness1322 Words  | 6 Pages Progressive Income Tax Fairness The issue of federal income tax policy has been one of hot debate and controversy for many years. Discussions and arguments on the issue have been presented on the floors of Congress, in the United States Supreme Court, used by politicians as political platforms, broadcasted in televised debates, and discussed around the dinner table of American families of various socioeconomic backgrounds for years. The Federal Government of the United States of America, like
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Write a Letter to a Friend/Relation About a Relationship free essay sample
Rosewood Manor Derbyshire England 1896 Dear Mr Porter, It may come as a surprise to you to receive this message from me, especially as we have seldom met and are only vaguely aquainted. However, we are connected by our relationship to Catherine who, I am sure you will agree, is dear to us both. The subject that I wish to address is somewhat awkward (and may indeed be painful for you to read), but my love for my best friend compels me to speak up, regardless of the consequences. As you may know, Catherine and I have been dear friends since we were infants, and I feel that I know her more than any other could; we have shared many experiences and our friendship has remained strong in good times and bad. Catherine is admired and loved for many reasons. These include: her warm, compassionate nature; her lively spirit; her quick intelligence and her utter responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Write a Letter to a Friend/Relation About a Relationship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It pains me to say that, in spite of this, I have noticed a dramatic change in Catherine’s character since she had known you and I fear that you may be influencing her†¦ but not for the better. I do not wish to imply that you do not care for her but I take this opportunity to illustrate the change in her personality and how Catherine has transformed. There is now a certain recklessness in her behavior that is regarded as unconventional and erratic, to say the very least. She has also been frequenting inappropriate places and mixing with those whose actions could be described as debauched. Overall, this improper behavior can only damage her good reputation. Moreover it could lead to her being completely cast out of reputable society. Fra be it from me to force my will upon you but I cannot emphasise enough how Catherine’s life has become like quicksand. It will inevitably pull her down into a vortex of misery and despair. Furthermore, she will be enveloped so deeply that she will ultimately become buried, with no hope of escape. Only withdrawal from you will save her from the precipice on which she currently wavers. I understand and appreciate the devotion you must feel for Catherine and I have no doubt that she fancies herself uncontrollably in love with you, nevertheless I beg you to release her from this liason. Any feeling of love she believes to have is a figure of her imagination. The relationship is not stable and will most likely not conclude in marriage; the differences in wealth and class are too big an obstacle to overcome. Catherine has no income of her own and you are not in a financial position strong enough to provide for her. Being Catherine’s closest confident, all her deepest hopes and secrets close to the heart are disclosed to me and I have been alarmed and dismayed to hear plans of elopement. I have reason to believe that, unbeknownst to others, you are to flee to Brighton! I can only assume that your intentions are unseemly and immoral. I beseech you to reconsider and contemplate the consequences of this action. For, if this plan commenced, Catherine would harbor regret and remorse for the remainder of her existence. It is likely that you would also suffer; neither of you could be happy under such indecent circumstances. I conclude, therefore, by appealing to your better nature. If you truly respect and care for Catherine, then you cannot help but see how destructive the relationship between you is. Thus I beg you to end it now, before it too late for you both†¦ Please think carefully about what I have written and be assured that I write with the best intentions. Yours sincerely, Anne Keanes
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Contamination of Food and Sanitation Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Contamination of Food and Sanitation. Answer: Contamination of food with weedicide is a growing concern across the communities that require immediate attention. Since the impact of such condition is adverse for humans, it is the responsibility of the authorities of food premises to restrict the contamination of food with these harmful chemicals. The eatery in Siputeh must be following a set of guidelines for the same. Since the spraying of weedicide takes place at a certain time of the day and a particular interval, the kitchen of the eatery must remain closed during the spraying tenure as well as for a considerable time frame after it. The employees at the kitchen of the eatery must consider washing the ingredients used for preparing dishes very well. This is to be done with the help of warm water. It is also advisable that the food ingredients are kept in sunlight prior to use. Both these processes help in reducing the impact of the weedicide to some degree. For vegetables and fruits used it is recommended that they are peeled before used (Harris et al., 2017). Responsibilities are there in part of the employees too. It is recommended that the employees maintain proper hygiene measures in order to avoid contamination of food from traces of weedicides coming into the eatery with the individuals. Changing clothes before entering the kitchen and maintaining hand washing practices are essential. Pro tective clothing sich as the use of gloves also aids in this respect. Lastly, it is necessary that all work surfaces as well as equipment and utensils are adequately sanitised prior to use (Likk-Roto et al., 2014). References Harris, K. J., Murphy, K. S., DiPietro, R. B., Line, N. D. (2017). The antecedents and outcomes of food safety motivators for restaurant workers: An expectancy framework.International Journal of Hospitality Management,63, 53-62. Likk-Roto, T., Nevas, M. (2014). Restaurant business operators' knowledge of food hygiene and their attitudes toward official food control affect the hygiene in their restaurants.Food control,43, 65-73.
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